Page 81 - Kildare House Hotel EHB Rev.1.2
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At our discretion, or at the direction of outside authorities, we may require the isolation and
quarantining of any employees showing symptoms of infection to our designated isolation room so
that our emergency plans can be implemented safely.
KILDARE HOUSE HOTEL would ask all our employees to familiar themselves with this information
and remember the ways in which they as individuals are responsible for their own behaviour.
7.8 Returning to Work and our Public Health Emergency Response Plan
KILDARE HOUSE HOTEL as an employer will follow the guidelines as advised and will:
• Review and update our health and safety statement as required.
• If risks are identified associated with work activities due to any public health emergency,
changes will be made as required
• Develop a plan which will provide guidelines on how to respond if a suspected public health
emergency is reported to our company
7.9 Identification and Isolation - Viruses
In line with HSE guidelines when a colleague reports they may have contracted a virus, there is a
requirement for them to isolate themselves immediately. This is a crucial step in protecting our
colleagues, customers and suppliers and we will:
• Keep a log of contact / group work to facilitate contact tracing.
• Inform our employees, customers and suppliers as required as to the purpose of the log.
• Display information on signs and symptoms of the Virus.
• Provide up to date information on Public Health advice issued by the HSE and
• Provide instruction for employees to follow if they should develop signs and symptoms of a
Virus during work.
Under the HSE guidelines employees are required to:
• Make themselves aware of the signs and symptoms of a Virus and monitor their own
• Self-isolate at home before coming into work and contact their GP or the GP out of hour’s
services for their area promptly for further advice if they display any signs or symptoms.
Report to their line managers immediately if any symptoms develop while at work.
7.10 Measures to Minimise Risks to Colleagues
Before returning to work, the following pre-return to work steps should be put in place and completed
by both KILDARE HOUSE HOTEL and our employee.
• Issue a pre-return to work form for employees to complete at least 3 days in advance of the
return to work. This form will seek confirmation that our employee, to the best of their
knowledge, have no symptoms of a Virus and also confirm that our employee is not self-
isolating or awaiting the results of a Virus test.
• It is necessary to include the following questions on this form. If an employee answers Yes
to any of them, they are advised to follow the medical advice they receive or seek medical
advice before returning to work:
o You have symptoms of cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat, runny
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