Page 18 - August 2024 News On 7
P. 18
I was honoured to join my colleague MPP Todd Smith in announcing Ontario is enhancing
over $1.6 million in funding for Quinte Health through the Health support for the
Infrastructure Renewal Fund. This investment will support essential province’s beef
upgrades at local hospitals. Key enhancements will include industry by doubling
updating air circulation systems, the loan amounts
medical gas, and elevators, setting the farmers can access.
stage for a substantial modernization
of the emergency department. These We are also investing up to $2 million in a market
upgrades are vital for ensuring that our development program to enhance the
community continues to receive high- competitiveness of products at home and beyond.
quality healthcare as this region grows. Learn more:
Fantastic news for all of us! beefing-up-support...
Calling all photographers! It was a special night to honour Ron Coffin as he marked his 50th year as a
Once again we are making a respected umpire. ⚾ His firm, fair, funny and competitive approach at the
calendar to distribute across all of diamond is welcome by all players and fans alike. Joined with his wife
Hastings-Lennox & Addington, and Sandra, family and friends we surprised Ron last night before the
we need your help! Submit your Springbrook Royals game ❤
unique high-res photos by Over the years Ron has been behind home plate when my
September 30th for consideration dad was pitching. I wore one of dad’s jerseys from some 50
here: years ago to mark the memorable occasion for Ron. Congratulations Ron! You truly have & continue to make an
/calendar-photos/ impact on so many lives and we are grateful.
“Let’s play Ball!!”
As Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Ontario beef farming families have a long, proud history of producing
Transportation, I want to take a moment to fresh, local, nutrient-rich beef for you to enjoy year-round. On July
highlight the work being done in rural Ontario 27th we attended the Beef Farmers of Hastings County Annual Twilight
to improve provincial transportation Supper generously hosted by Broekland Farms, Willy & Colin Broek
infrastructure and highways. and families. It was a beautiful evening by the rivers edge with a
Projects like the delicious meal, fellowship and live music by Robyn Scott.
Russell Street Bridge I was able to share remarks and
in Centre Hastings are acknowledge appreciation for our local
being invested in right farmers. “For over sixty years, the Beef
across rural Ontario. Farmers of Ontario (BFO) has been a
As a reminder, while
tough and credible advocate and
work is being done on the Russell Street Bridge, unified voice for the province’s 19,000
a detour using St. Lawrence Street has been beef farmers, representing all sectors
established. of the industry.”