Page 19 - August 2024 News On 7
P. 19

MADOC LIONS CLUB                             MARMORA LIONS CLUB
      Madoc Lions are proud supporters of
      C.O.P.E.   in   Madoc.      C.O.P.E   is   a
      developmental  services  agency  providing
      services  and  support  to  individuals  with  a
      developmental  disability.  Madoc  C.O.P.E.
      prides  itself  on  providing  person  centered
      services and supports to the individuals and
      families  we  serve.  We  provide  cutting  edge
      programs,  services,  and  supports  with  a
      wide variety of expertise and knowledge
      Madoc Lion  on hand to do a FREE BBQ for
      clients,  family  members  and  staff  of  Madoc


      In  June,  we  presented  our  donations  for  the
      swim  and  band  programs  offered  by  the
      Gateway     Community      Health    Centre.
      Kiwanians Bob Sills, Michael York, Randy Kline,
      Janice  McConnell,  Peter  McConnell    and  Don
      DeGenova were there to represent

      MADOC LEGION                                      MARMORA LEGION
      President Russ Frewin and Vice President Bruce    The Legion would like to thank the Ladies Auxiliary for all there
      Whiteman  present  a  cheque  for  $5,000  to
      Hospice  of  Madoc  to  renovate  a  space  for   precious time over the past 70 plus years of servicing the Public.
      families of clients.                              We  are  more  than  grateful  for  what  they  have  done  for  the
                                                        community  and the legion.
                                                        At this time we would like to let everyone know that the Branch
                                                        will continue  Renting the hall, servicing funerals, Birthday parties
                                                        and much more. Our Rent is very competitive and we appreciate
                                                        any support from the community  as we donate and  support  our
                                                        On behalf of the executive and Dianne Ray President
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