P. 27

Ultimately, interactive displays offer an elegant solution to the problem of

     blind digitisation of the classroom. The display is where classroom technology

     comes together. SMART’s iQ technology lets teachers switch from SMART

     Notebook lessons to whiteboard to game-based activities and more – right at
     the board. The interactive display is the classroom technology hub for learning

     software, lesson content and student devices, and comes with a one-year
     subscription to SMART Learning Suite software. Waid Academy’s head teacher,

     Iain Hughes, said that SMART Boards sit at the heart of the school’s bid to

     transform digitally. “It has been a journey, though, because not everybody’s

     skilled right from the very beginning,” he says. “You get the technology, but you

     need to make sure the staff are upskilled for that, and that’s where we’ve had

     to plan for that. It’s different ways of learning. We still have the traditional

     learning that goes on. We still have traditional assessments, things like that,

     but it’s about looking at ways in which you can actually inspire youngsters."

     Refer to article here:


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