P. 24

Aside from playing games or watching                    Not only was it a great alternative to a

    movies on a parent’s mobile device, the                 blackboard, but it was a simple and effective

    classroom is now often the first place a                way of allowing a teacher to quickly create
    child meets technology, whether that be content that could be re-used by colleagues.

    through the tools they use or the                       This was the order of business for almost 50

    systems around them designed to                         years, with few technological breakthroughs

    create interactive experiences. Today it’s finding their way to the classroom right away.

    common for children to have access to                   The blackboard, both celebrated and loathed in
    personal mobile devices or laptop                       equal measure, remained king until it was

    computers for use in school, often                      gradually ousted by whiteboards in the early

    supported by online learning tools                      1990s, a technology that itself was some 30

    integrated into the school’s network. It’s              years old. The pace of change was glacially

    a picture that as little as 15 years ago                slow, and while some innovations would find

    would have still seemed unfeasible, or                  their way into schools, the classroom would
    even unattractive. From the beginning                   remain largely isolated from evolving

    of the 20th century the uptake of                       technology until the turn of the current

    technology in the classroom was                         century. The rise of the personal computer and

    reserved for only the occasional                        the World Wide Web sparked one of the most

    breakthrough, with long bouts of status                 dramatic technological breakthroughs in

    quo in between. In fact, the overhead                   history. Although it would take a few years
    projector, first invented in the 1930s but              before PCs were cheap enough for mass

    adopted more widely in schools and                      adoption, the “classroom computer” became

    businesses in the 1950s, remained a                     common by the mid-1990s, particularly as the

    popular way of displaying text on a wall                internet started to mature. The personal

    or board right up to the turn of the                    computer transformed the way learning was
    century.                                                delivered to children, and drastically increased
                                                            the pace of change.

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