P. 29
They preferred the traditional way of Though it is good to go back to traditional ways
learning by using pens and paper. Though it is once in a while, for instance, instead of using
good to go back to traditional ways once in a only Microsoft PowerPoint, students can use
while, for instance, instead of using only those ‘Mahjong Paper’ to lay out their points to
Microsoft PowerPoint, students can use the class. Our ministry of education has been
those ‘Mahjong Paper’ to lay out their points supplying the whiteboards to replace the
to the class. Our ministry of education has blackboard as to ease the learning process and
been supplying the whiteboards to replace to upgrade the facilities available in most
the blackboard as to ease the learning schools. We need to do that in order for us to
process and to upgrade the facilities available not be left behind in this modern era. I believe
in most schools. We need to do that in order that everyone has their own ways in doing
for us to not be left behind in this modern era. things especially teachers, but I believe that one
I believe that everyone has their own ways in can learn to adapt to the new changes in the
doing things especially teachers, but I believe environment and implement a broad usage of
that one can learn to adapt to the new technologies in the classroom. The class session
changes in the environment and implement a can be done virtually and conveniently by using
broad usage of technologies in the classroom. computers and internet as the students can
The class session can be done virtually and have online forums, tutorials and even online
conveniently by using computers and lectures from their lecturer. Other than that,
internet as the students can have online technology can also be additional to traditional
forums, tutorials and even online lectures learning materials like textbooks, handouts and
from their lecturer. Other than that, such. It is one of the great ways to save the
technology can also be additional to environment too as we can reduce the
traditional learning materials like textbooks, enormous use of papers in the making of
handouts and such. It is one of the great ways textbooks. Of course, there are some pros and
to save the environment too as we can cons in using technology but if we nurture the
reduce the enormous use of papers in the students since the beginning, educate them on
making of textbooks. Although the young the importance of staying safe on the net, then
generation nowadays are exposed to we can produce more technology literate
technology since they were young, that is a students in the future. I feel so grateful to grow
up in a society that has been using technology in
different matter for the adults. There is a daily basis. I strongly believe that our country
clear generation gap between the students can grow and develop to be one of the countries
and teachers. In fact, some of the teachers that implement the usage of technology with
feels that it is difficult to use technology, let education to empower the youth that are going
alone encouraging students to use them in to rule our nation in the future.
the classroom. They preferred the traditional
way of learning by using pens and paper. WRITTEN BY: NURUL AISYAH ZAKARIA
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