Page 20 - Message from the Section Head
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Poetry Elocution Competition


                                                        Year 4

            Poetry Elocution Competition for Year 4was held on 23rd November 2016 in
            the  Multi-purpose Hall.    It  commenced  at  12:30  pm  and  came  to  an end  by

            01:30 pm. All classes of Year 4 presented wonderful poems based on the theme
            “Ballad”, a poem narrating story in short stanzas.

            The  Competition  reflected  children’s  enthusiasm  and  team  spirit  under  the
            guidance of their class teachers. The competition as organized by Ms. Sharine
            and Ms. Srija. Compering was done by Julianne of Year 4 A and Charianneof

            Year 4B.

            The  competition  was  judged  by  the Vice Principal, Ms.  Jaya  Menezes.    First
            place  was  bagged  by  Year  4A  for  the  poem  ‘Ballad  of  a  Ship’  by  Edwin
            Robinson, second place by Year 4E for the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’ by

            William Shakespeare and third place by Year 4G for the poem ‘The Broken-
            Legg’d Man’ by John Shaw.

            Altogether  the  competition  was  a  great  success  blended  in  vibrant  colours
            portrayed by zestful students.
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25