Page 5 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 5

Teachers will be trained in Amplify Science, including
                                              its program features, instructional approach, and
                                              technical functionality. Attendees get hands-on
                                              experience with program materials and exemplar
                                             instructional sequences, preparing them to use the
             Amplify Science               program effectively and begin the planning process for        Charalee
           Curriculum Training   6th Grade                  their own units.                    P8     Cunningham
                                            Teachers will be trained in Amplify Science, including
                                              its program features, instructional approach, and
                                              technical functionality. Attendees get hands-on
                                              experience with program materials and exemplar
                                             instructional sequences, preparing them to use the
             Amplify Science               program effectively and begin the planning process for        Charalee
           Curriculum Training   7th Grade                  their own units.                    P9     Cunningham

                                            Teachers will be trained in Amplify Science, including
                                              its program features, instructional approach, and
                                              technical functionality. Attendees get hands-on
                                              experience with program materials and exemplar
                                             instructional sequences, preparing them to use the
             Amplify Science               program effectively and begin the planning process for        Charalee
           Curriculum Training   8th Grade                  their own units.                   P10     Cunningham
                                           This session will be designed for elementary teachers
                                            of mod/severe classes and structure autism classes
                                               who are supposed to be using the Attainment
                                           Curriculum. This is required for teachers that have not     Amy Nomura,
                                             received the training previously or if you would like      Attainment
          Attainment Curriculum            more training. The expectation is that this curriculum is     Publishing
                Training         SPED K-6  being used in the mod/severe and structure classes.   HE5     Company

                                            This Professional Development will focus specifically
                                            on Career Technical Education (CTE). During these
                                              sessions, we will establish the vision, goals, and
                                             essential elements of a model CTE system for Lodi
                                            Unified School District. We will continue our work on
                                            the 11 Elements of a High Quality CTE program and   Lincoln
                                              strengthening our pathways to ensure that as a   Tech
            Career Technical               district, we are preparing all students for the future and  Academy
                Education          9-12                ensuring a strong economy.              MPR      Julie Jansen
          CURRENT Preschool                                                                               Freitas,
           and Kinder Structure   SPED                                                                    Victoria
           teachers - Mandatory   Preschool             Evidence Based Practices               P12        Murphy
                                            Participants will learn how to develop an IEP through
                                                team collaboration in which members share
                                             responsibility for the meeting process and results.
          Facilitating a Complex              Decision-making is managed through the use of
         IEP meeting with Positive   SPED    facilitation skills in an effort to bring all members to     Denice
                 Results           K-12                       consensus.                       SS7       Mangrum

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