Page 7 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 7

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

                8:00-10:55 (3 hour - 1st-2nd Period - A+B Lunch)

               EventName          Range                    Event Description                   Room      Instructor
                                           Looking to go beyond the Hour of Code? Learn how to
                                            develop basic Android applications. MIT App Inventor
                                              a free app that is open to all. It's a way to design
                                            simple apps that help students understand how code
                                           works and allows them to make a connection between
                                           coding and the mobile world they live in. The goal is to
                                           introduce teachers to ways they can adapt app coding
                                             in the classroom I'll be sharing the kind of work my
          Android App Design in               students do at the middle school level and how
           the STEM Classroom       7-8          teachers can use that in their classrooms.     B3       Steve Box
            Culturally Relevant            Part 1 is for those who have not had the opportunity to
            Teaching - Part 1               attend the session last year. This 3 hour session will
               Overview of                     be a general overview of culture, community,
         CRT/Working w/ students   SPED    perspective, and identity along with a focus on working
           in poverty - Part 2 -   K-12     with students in poverty by modeling AVID teaching
            Equitable Educator    Pre-12                       strategies.                      E7      David Hurley

                                              Learn how a synthesis of best practices and Dr.
                                              Kaplan's Dimensions Depth & Complexity Icon's
                                           support the district’s goal “... instruction that educates,
                                            challenges, and inspires all students.” Learn how to
            Differentiating For            create an effective learning environment using proven
               Excellence:                 strategic approaches based on research. Connect with
          Access and Equity for                colleagues to collaborate on implementing an
          Diverse Learners using              enriched, meaningful student-centered learning
          Dimensions of Depth &            environment that embraces diversity and empowers all           Angela
            Complexity Icons        2-6           students to achieve their full potential.    SS6         Cotton
                                            This course is designed for new and veteran special
                                             education teachers and will focus on ensuring the
                                             consideration of educational benefit throughout the
                                             entire IEP. We will break into small groups and go
                                              through an IEP/scenario to identify that we have
                                           considered educational benefit for the student. We will
           Ensuring Educational             also be looking at how educational benefit can occur          Jennifer
          Benefit Throughout The   SPED      through goals and or accommodations and how to               Jasper,
                  IEP              K-12               differentiate between the two.           SC6      Debra Sharp
                                               Gather your team, bring ideas, & get ready to
                                              collaborate! Brought to you at the request of your
                                            fellow teachers. This PD is for you & your PBIS team
                                            members to get together & get on point for the 19-20
                                            school year. Plan events, ask for funds, put polish on
                                              that kick off- all with Enrique available to answer
                                            questions & provide guidance when needed. Not an
          Facilitated PBIS Team               official member of the team? Not a problem, your            Enrique
            Time - Elementary       K-6    participation is welcome. Coordination with your fellow   E2   Avalos

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