Page 10 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 10

our school and us personally as teachers and more!
                                             These sessions are geared toward new teachers,
                                            teachers who are not familiar or not very familiar with
                                            Vocabulary Spelling City on Clever. In the sessions,
                                            teachers will learn how to use "City" to add Journeys
                                               Spelling & Vocabulary word lists, how to craft
                                            definitions to meet the needs of current word lists. In
           Integrating Journeys            addition, teachers will learn how to organize and push
         Spelling and Vocabulary              games and activities to meet Common Core ELA
         with Vocabulary Spelling          Standards for Journeys selections. Teachers will learn
                  City              2-6                how to view online reports.              E8     Martin Phillips

                                           This session is geared toward Social Science teachers
                                             in grades 7-12 and we will be using resources from
                                              the Stanford Historical Education Group. We will
                                              become more familiar with how to use SHEG to
                                              motivate historical inquiry and to train students to
                                             analyze and solve problems using primary sources.
             It's All About the             "Our job is not to give kids the answers, our job is to
          Evidence: Working with            give them problems to solve and the tools they need            Beth
             Primary Sources       7-12     to solve them"- Sam Wineburg, Stanford University.   SS9    Oesterman
                                            No Red Ink is an online program that allows teachers
                                            to choose grammar and writing conventions by topic
                                              and assign to a class. No Red Ink will not allow a
                                              student to move on from a topic until they have
                                             achieved a mastery level of understanding. Assign
           No Red Ink for Easy,                  practice assignments, quizzes, diagnostic
           Online Grammar and                 assessments and more. Teacher can easily view
            Writing Convention                real-time student progress and final grades and
          Instruction and Practice   3-12              download to a spreadsheet.               E3     Janee Waters
                                  SPED     Learn about an easy to use video platform that allows
           Open up your world      K-12    you to edit, create assessments and track use for any
            through Edpuzzle       1-12                      subject area.                     E11      Janel Jahsi
         Setting goals - Use data           Holding students accountable and using your data to          Charlene
            to drive instruction    1-6              drive instruction in the classroom        SC3       Amarante
                                           Want new ideas to summarize your lessons? This is a
                                            great session for those who are creating new lesson
                                              plans and anyone interested in updating what is
                                            already in place. I'll be modeling various methods to
                                  SPED     conclude and review the main points of a lesson. Walk
           Slam Dunk Summary       K-12     away with practical ideas that are engaging for your
                Strategies         K-12       students and will not take you a lot of prep time!   E9   Cyndi Carter

                                           Plan interdisciplinary units using existing social studies
                                            curriculum and key components from Journeys ELA
            Social Studies and               curriculum. Bring these units to life with simulations
         Journeys- Fitting it all in.   4-6      that reinforce and review content covered.    E10      Betty Davis

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