Page 15 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 15

Storylines are a method of lesson planning that
                                            structures inquiry as pieces of a story that fit together
                                             to solve a driving question. Storylines are based in
                                             scientific phenomena and require students to figure
                                               out Disciplinary Core Ideas and Cross-Cutting
                                            Concepts using Science and Engineering Practices.
            Teaching Science                We will  review a typical storyline and discuss how to        Savina
            Through Storylines     5-12          create one for a NGSS performance task.       SC2       Thompson

                                      Wednesday, July 24, 2019

                    11:00-12:25 (1.5 hour - 3rd Period - B Lunch)

               EventName          Range                    Event Description                  Room       Instructor
                                              Need a tool to get students talking while building
                                             computational fluency at the same time? Number
                                            Talks support the concepts and strategies from Math
                                            Expressions. Walk away with resources you can use
          Blah, Blah, Blah Math                right away! Please bring your TE Vol. 1 and an
                  Talks            TK-2                     internet device.                    M3     Kathy Dufour

                                             K-12; A school website is a link to the community!
                                              Content Managers keep FinalSite pages fresh to
                                            ensure parents and neighbors are up to date on all of
                                            their school’s events and student’s achievements. A
                                            Content Manager account must be requested for you
            Final Site Content               by your administrator prior to attending this training
            Manager Overview       K-12                         session.                        B2     James Frazier
                                           Have questions about your students taking home their
                                              devices and the changes that 1:1 means for our
                                             classrooms? Have questions about setting up your
                                            classroom and some of the tools and resources that
                                             are at your fingertips? This session will share best
                                               practices, how to’s and resources about digital
                                  SPED         citizenship will taking time to collaborate with
                                   K-12      colleagues about what 1:1 means for you and your
            How to Survive 1:1    K-12T                        students.                        S1     Christine Neal
                                             These sessions are geared toward new teachers,
                                            teachers who are not familiar or not very familiar with
                                            Vocabulary Spelling City on Clever. In the sessions,
                                            teachers will learn how to use "City" to add Journeys
                                               Spelling & Vocabulary word lists, how to craft
                                            definitions to meet the needs of current word lists. In
           Integrating Journeys            addition, teachers will learn how to organize and push
         Spelling and Vocabulary              games and activities to meet Common Core ELA
         with Vocabulary Spelling          Standards for Journeys selections. Teachers will learn
                  City              2-6                how to view online reports.              E8     Martin Phillips
         Setting goals - Use data           Holding students accountable and using your data to          Charlene
            to drive instruction    1-6              drive instruction in the classroom        SC3       Amarante

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