Page 19 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 19

Learn to Screencast (Record your computer screen,
                                            your voice, and face all at the same time), so you can
                                           use it for assessment feedback or teach your students
                                             to use it to present material. Upload your students'
                                            Screencasted product to Flipgrid in order to have all
            Using Flipgrid and    SPED      projects in one spot making it available to all students
            Screencasting for      K-12     to view and comment. Having all assignments on one
          Engaging Assessment      2-12          Flipgrid page also makes grading easier.       E3     Janee Waters
                                              This training is designed for new or experienced
                                             special education teachers who are struggling with
                                             writing measurable goals. The training will focus on
                                            understanding how to write measurable goals within
                                             the IEP. Participants will learn how to tie presents
                                            levels to baselines and develop measurable goals for
          Writing Measurable IEP   SPED       their students. Academic and non-academic goal
                 Goals            Pre-12                 writing will be covered.              SC6      Robin Suttle

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