Page 20 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 20

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

                     12:20-1:45 (1.5 hour - 3rd Period - A Lunch)

               EventName          Range                    Event Description                  Room       Instructor
                                            A Three-Act Task is a whole group mathematics task
                                               consisting of 3 distinct parts: an engaging and
                                              perplexing Act One, an information and solution
                                              seeking Act Two, and a solution discussion and
                                            solution revealing Act Three. The Three-Act Task will
                                             be modeled and discussed, including how/when to               Kevin
               3-Act Tasks         6-12     supplement the current curriculum with such lessons.   M8    Anderson

                                            Learn how to use our ELA resources and strategies
                                             (Journeys, AVID, Step Up to Writing, Spelling City,
                                             etc) while incorporating small group differentiation
                                             (Daily 5 style) to create an ELA block that fits your
          Blending It All Without           students. Bring your device, there will be a make and      Alyssa Oliver,
            Losing Your Mind        2-6      take time as well as planning for your first quarter.   SS5   Nicole Barron

                                              Purposeful and collaborative conversations that
                                             highlight the common core speaking and listening
                                              standards are possible! Come learn and explore
                                              Flipgrid, podcasting tools, and more. Technology
                                           offers many options for high level student engagement
                                            that focuses students’ responses to stay on topic and
                                              keep the academic conversation flowing. Bring a             Charles
          Listening and Speaking   K-12             device and a lesson topic or idea.          E5        Taylor

                                             Come and learn the ins and outs of how to bring a
                                             STEM night to your school. Looking for ready to go
                                            activities and ideas? We have done the heavy lifting          Rachel
                                               for you. All we ask is that you bring a sense of          Flanigan ,
                                            adventure and fun, and you'll leave with all you need       Jennifer Van
               STEM Night           K-6     to host a successful family STEM night at you school.   M1     Blair

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