Page 16 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 16

Want new ideas to summarize your lessons? This is a
                                            great session for those who are creating new lesson
                                              plans and anyone interested in updating what is
                                            already in place. I'll be modeling various methods to
                                  SPED     conclude and review the main points of a lesson. Walk
           Slam Dunk Summary       K-12     away with practical ideas that are engaging for your
                Strategies         K-12       students and will not take you a lot of prep time!   E9   Cyndi Carter
                                            This session discusses how a Peer Buddies Program
                                              can help meet the social needs of students with
             Small Sacrifices     SPED       severe disabilities and provides general education
         Demonstrate Simple Acts   K-12      students the opportunity to perform simple acts of           Andrew
               of Kindness         K-12                        kindness.                       SS2       Cayabyab
                                               I look forward to sharing ways to engage your
                                           students in academic talk. They must be able to stand
                                           to speak and hold the floor. According to ASCD: “Talk
                                           becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas
                                            and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify
                                               their own understanding, and make their ideas
            Student Talk: The                   comprehensible to their partners. It is during
         Importance of academic             collaborative tasks that students must use academic
              conversations        TK-6        language if they are to focus on the content.”   E4      Dori Dennis
                                             EVERFI provides supplemental resources for High
                                              School that cover topics such as SEL, Health &
                                            Wellness and Financial Capability. These engaging,
           Supplemental online               self-directed programs are rich in content and align
            resources for High              with state and national standards. Programs covered
             School: General                   will be Venture, Everfi, Honor Code, and Say              Nicholas
                Education          9-12                       Something.                        M6        Martin

                                               Wanting to find more avenues to incorporate
                                               engaging, technology based learning into your
                                              classroom? Come explore Quizizz, Quizlet, and
                                  to find out how these platforms could fit
                                            the needs of your students as we immerse ourselves
                                            in practice, play, and planning! *Quizizz and Quizlet
           Technology Platform                can function as both a study tool, and check for
         Basics for Any Classroom   SPED   understanding, while provides fictional
           (Quizizz, Quizlet, and   K-12    and nonfictional texts (poems, articles, short stories)
          Pre-12                aligned to most any novel.              E6     Emily Bunnell
                                               This session will discuss how to create digital
                                            interactive notebooks using PowerPoint and Google
                                              Slides. Students incorporate multimedia, graphic
          Using Digital Interactive         organizers, and analytical assignments into a digital
          Notebooks to Integrate            platform with particular attention to the current Social
            the Social Studies             Studies curriculum. Step-by-step instruction as well as
               Curriculum           6-8         examples of student work will be provided.     SS9     Olivia Gandy

         Using Smarter Balanced
                 Interim                     Learn how to use Interim Assessments to measure
           Assessment/Digital                 student progress and answer the question "Now
             Library to Inform     3-12          What?" if the results are not as expected.    SC4     Debra Ladwig

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