Page 11 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
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Are you ready to bring science, technology,
engineering, and math to your school, but not sure
what that would look like? Geek out with us as we
explore clubs like Science and Math Olympiad,
gardening club, coding club, and more. Perhaps you
want to transform your classroom into a Makerspace,
or build a science lab at your school, but aren't sure Rachel
where to start. In true STEM style, this session will be Flanigan,
filled with hands on fun and easy to implement ideas Jennifer Van
STEMify You School K-6 for the new school year. M1 Blair
I look forward to sharing ways to engage your
students in academic talk. They must be able to stand
to speak and hold the floor. According to ASCD: “Talk
becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas
and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify
their own understanding, and make their ideas
Student Talk: The comprehensible to their partners. It is during
Importance of academic collaborative tasks that students must use academic
conversations TK-6 language if they are to focus on the content.” E4 Dori Dennis
EVERFI provides supplemental resources that cover
topics such as SEL, Health & Wellness, Financial
Capability and STEM Career Exploration. These
engaging, self-directed programs are rich in content
Supplemental online and align with state and national standards. Programs
resources for Elementary: covered will be Healthier Me, The Compassion Nicholas
Grades 3-6 3-6 Project, Vault, Hockey Scholar. M6 Martin
This session will be used an introduction to NGSS
storylines. Storylines are a method of lesson planning
that structures inquiry as pieces of a story that fit
together to solve a driving question. Storylines are
based in scientific phenomena and require students to
figure out Disciplinary Core Ideas and Cross-Cutting
Concepts by using Science and Engineering
Practices. During this session, we review a typical
Teaching Science storyline and discuss how to create one for a NGSS Savina
Through Storylines 5-12 performance task. SC2 Thompson
Using Smarter Balanced
Assessment/Digital Learn how to use Interim Assessments to measure
Library to Inform student progress and answer the question "Now
Instruction 3-12 What?" if the results are not as expected. SC4 Debra Ladwig
This is an interactive workshop where we will get tips,
activities, ideas and resources to build language and
What Works? An literacy skills of the primary student. Designed to Lori Celiz,
Interactive Workshop to problem solve and focus on best practices. Lots of Kristi
Foster Growth in LIteracy K-4 opportunities for conversation and collaboration. SC8 Arredondo