Page 12 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 12
This session is designed for general education
teachers that have special education students
included in your classes that have a para-educator
working with them. You will learn strategies for
Working with working with para's, do's and don'ts for working with
Paraeducators and PAAS para's, be informed about training that they receive,
in the general education and your responsibilities along with the case manager
setting Tk-12 responsibilities. SC5 Amy Nomura
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
9:30-12:20 (3 hour - 2nd -3rd Period - B Lunch)
EventName Range Event Description Room Instructor
Teachers will get an introduction to the Fred Jones
Fred Jones Tools for Tools for Teaching classroom management Gina
Teaching 7-12 techniques E1 Schlageter
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
9:30-10:55 (1.5 hour - 2nd Period - A+B Lunch)
EventName Range Event Description Room Instructor
Have you ever wished there was a way to easily make
a video of you teaching a lesson once so that kids
could access it later (another period, a second time for
understanding, at home if they're sick, for review in
Become a Te(a)ch Rock preparation for an assessment)? There's an easy way
Star - Make Your Own to do this - that doesn't require you to be a tech guru,
Website & Videos the but will make you look like one! We will be creating
EASY Way (Any Android SPED content videos - linked to YouTube (with your privacy
Device - Pro Board w/ K-12 level), as well as a website for students to access your Chris
Silver Box) K-12 materials. E6 Herringer
This will be a training for new teachers or teachers
Beginning Promethean who would like to know more about how to use the Norberto
Board Training TK-6 Promethean Board in the classroom. B1 "Norm" Martin
Learn how to use our ELA resources and strategies
(Journeys, AVID, Step Up to Writing, Spelling City,
etc) while incorporating small group differentiation
(Daily 5 style) to create an ELA block that fits your
Blending It All Without students. Bring your device, there will be a make and Alyssa Oliver,
Losing Your Mind 2-6 take time as well as planning for your first quarter. SS5 Nicole Barron
This session will address how to set up your
SPED classroom for success. Classroom environment and
Classroom Management K-12 management tips will covered. SS8 Aisha Brice