Page 17 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
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Learn how to improve the work completion/quality and
add extra practice to the Read 180 curriculum by
using Google Applications. Using these techniques will
help students practice and master skills as well as
Using Technology to take responsibility in the work they turn in to be
Enhance Read 180 4-12 graded. E11 Madeline Britt
This is an interactive workshop where we will get tips,
activities, ideas and resources to build language and
What Works? An literacy skills of the primary student. Designed to Lori Celiz,
Interactive Workshop to problem solve and focus on best practices. Lots of Kristi
Foster Growth in LIteracy K-4 opportunities for conversation and collaboration. SC8 Arredondo
Do your students struggle with word problems? Come
learn about 3-Reads, a Math Language Routine that
SPED helps with reading comprehension and problem
Word Problem K-12 solving. This tool creates access for ALL students, Tammy
Problems?! 1-12 especially EL and struggling learners. M2 Suess
This session is designed for general education
teachers that have special education students
included in your classes that have a para-educator
working with them. You will learn strategies for
Working with working with para's, do's and don'ts for working with
Paraeducators and PAAS para's, be informed about training that they receive,
in the general education and your responsibilities along with the case manager
setting Tk-12 responsibilities. SC5 Amy Nomura