Page 22 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 22
Are you looking for various ways for your students to
practice Performance type Tasks? This session will
give you resources and strategies you could use for
SPED engaging all students with the tasks. These activities
Math Performance Task K-12 could be used in the classroom, as content or skill Tammy
Resources K-12 review with no prep at all. M2 Suess
Math Talks are a powerful teaching tool. They are a
teacher-led, student-centered technique for building
math thinking and discourse. Math Talks are
especially helpful in developing students’ number
sense and basic skills. They serve to further
understanding of Math Content while addressing Math
Practice Standard #3: Construct viable arguments and
critique the reasoning of others. Come to this session
Math Talks Grades 3-8 to learn how to implement this in your classroom from
and HSM 3-8 the first day of school. M3 Kathy Dufour
Pear Deck in an innovative way to make any Google
Slides an interactive lesson. 100% student
engagement is possible in every part of your lesson
with Pear Deck. This will help make your lessons
accessible to all learners (ELL’s, Special Education,
Pear Deck 1.0 K-12 and Advanced). S1 Christine Neal
Setting goals - Use data Holding students accountable and using your data to Charlene
to drive instruction 1-6 drive instruction in the classroom SC3 Amarante
Want new ideas to summarize your lessons? This is a
great session for those who are creating new lesson
plans and anyone interested in updating what is
already in place. I'll be modeling various methods to
SPED conclude and review the main points of a lesson. Walk
Slam Dunk Summary K-12 away with practical ideas that are engaging for your
Strategies K-12 students and will not take you a lot of prep time! E9 Cyndi Carter
This session discusses how a Peer Buddies Program
can help meet the social needs of students with
Small Sacrifices SPED severe disabilities and provides general education
Demonstrate Simple Acts K-12 students the opportunity to perform simple acts of Andrew
of Kindness K-12 kindness. SS2 Cayabyab
I look forward to sharing ways to engage your
students in academic talk. They must be able to stand
to speak and hold the floor. According to ASCD: “Talk
becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas
and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify
their own understanding, and make their ideas
Student Talk: The comprehensible to their partners. It is during
Importance of academic collaborative tasks that students must use academic
conversations TK-6 language if they are to focus on the content.” E4 Dori Dennis