Page 23 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
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EVERFI provides supplemental resources for Health
and PE Teachers that cover SEL and Health &
Wellness. These engaging, self-directed programs are
rich in content and align with state and national
Supplemental online standards. Programs covered will be Prescription Drug
resources for High Safety, Alcohol EDU, Honor Code, and Say Nicholas
School Health and P.E 9-12 Something. M6 Martin
Wanting to find more avenues to incorporate
engaging, technology based learning into your
classroom? Come explore Quizizz, Quizlet, and to find out how these platforms could fit
the needs of your students as we immerse ourselves
in practice, play, and planning! *Quizizz and Quizlet
Technology Platform can function as both a study tool, and check for
Basics for Any Classroom SPED understanding, while provides fictional
(Quizizz, Quizlet, and K-12 and nonfictional texts (poems, articles, short stories) Pre-12 aligned to most any novel. E6 Emily Bunnell
This session will discuss how to create digital
interactive notebooks using PowerPoint and Google
Slides. Students incorporate multimedia, graphic
Using Digital Interactive organizers, and analytical assignments into a digital
Notebooks to Integrate platform with particular attention to the current Social
the Social Studies Studies curriculum. Step-by-step instruction as well as
Curriculum 6-8 examples of student work will be provided. SS9 Olivia Gandy
Using Smarter Balanced
Assessment/Digital Learn how to use Interim Assessments to measure
Library to Inform student progress and answer the question "Now
Instruction 3-12 What?" if the results are not as expected. SC4 Debra Ladwig
Learn how to improve the work completion/quality and
add extra practice to the Read 180 curriculum by
using Google Applications. Using these techniques will
help students practice and master skills as well as
Using Technology to take responsibility in the work they turn in to be
Enhance Read 180 4-12 graded. E11 Madeline Britt
This is an interactive workshop where we will get tips,
activities, ideas and resources to build language and
What Works? An literacy skills of the primary student. Designed to Lori Celiz,
Interactive Workshop to problem solve and focus on best practices. Lots of Kristi
Foster Growth in LIteracy K-4 opportunities for conversation and collaboration. SC8 Arredondo
Yes - math word problems have been stumping
generations of students. Even adults admit to having
trouble solving word problems, but why? Word
problems don't have to be a challenge for our
students. Plenty of research has been done on how to
Who Puts 63 help improve students' accuracy in solving them and
Watermelons In Their we actually have a tool sitting in our own classroom. Jennifer Van
Car? K-6 Put your skills to the test as we dive into the M1 Blair