Page 18 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 18

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

                   12:20-3:15 (3 hour - 3rd-4th Period - A Lunch)
               EventName          Range                    Event Description                  Room       Instructor
                                            Gather your team, bring your ideas, and get ready to
                                              collaborate! Brought to you at the request of your
                                             fellow teachers. This PD is for you and your PBIS
                                            team members to get together and get ready for the
                                             19-20 school year. Plan events, ask for funds, put
                                             polish on that kick off- all with Enrique available to
                                           answer questions and provide guidance when needed.
                                             Not an official member of the team? Not a problem,
          Facilitated PBIS Team             your participation is welcome. Coordination with your         Enrique
            Time - Secondary       7-12                  fellow staff is required.              E2        Avalos

                                              Preparing for New instrument Inventory System
                                                           location:Henderson                 Music       Cynthia
          Instrumental Inventory    5-8                   Music Teachers Only                 Rooms       Braden
                                              Music Ensemble Teachers will work to enhance
                                                          student engagement
          Music Ensemble Best                             Location: Henderson                 Music       Cynthia
                Practices          5-12                   Music Teachers only                 Rooms       Braden

                                             Career Assessments - Administering to students -
                                             Understanding results - Using results for additional
                                            instruction - Naviance College and Career Readiness
                                             Curriculum Lessons - Previewing & Lesson Plans -
                                               Administering to students - Monitoring Student              Ren
                                                Completion - Sub-Plans - RoadTrip Nation -              Pham-Peck,
            Naviance Student       9-12                   SuperMatch - Goals                    B1      Lisa Deeter
                                                     Quaver music curriculum training
         Quaver training for Music                           location: TBA                    Music       Cynthia
                Teachers            1-6                   Music teachers only                 Rooms       Braden

                                           Prepare for launch! Through an immersive, interactive
                                             experience, students will discover just how exciting
                                             learning can be. The StarLab planetarium elevates
                                               lessons in astronomy, history, earth sciences,
                                            mythology and more to an entirely new level. Watch
                                                 students’ eyes light up with an increased
                                               understanding of the world around them. Upon
                                  SPED      completion of this training, you are able to check out       Charalee
             StarLab Digital       K-12      the StarLab Digital Planetarium for 1 week through        Cunningham,
               Planetarium        TK-12                    IMC for a $25 fee.                 Theater    Beth Fox
                                             The district has classroom kits of robots for student
         The Robots Are Coming -           use. This workshop will go over what is available, how
          Sphero, Lego We Do,               to integrate them into your classroom and hands on
                  Vex              K-12                time to work with the robots.            S6        Teri Dix

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