Page 14 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 14

Students have the most powerful informational tool in
                                            history. Online Research Skills are crucial and one of
                                            the most important tools that can be taught. The new
                                           digital divide will be based around students who know
                                            how to effectively find and curate information. In this
                                               session will focus on free tools and resources
            Research, Current                available to students, utilizing Google tools making
           Events, and Primary              anyone a Research Super Star, focusing on Current             Charles
             Sources Oh My!        3-12               Events and Primary Sources.               E5        Taylor

                                             Come learn a routine to support your Math Content
                                           Standards, your Math Practice Standards, and English
            Routines for Math                  Language Development Standards. Give your
               Reasoning            3-5      students strategies to make words problems easy.   M3     Kathy Dufour
         Setting goals - Use data           Holding students accountable and using your data to          Charlene
            to drive instruction    1-6              drive instruction in the classroom        SC3       Amarante
                                           Want new ideas to summarize your lessons? This is a
                                            great session for those who are creating new lesson
                                              plans and anyone interested in updating what is
                                            already in place. I'll be modeling various methods to
                                  SPED     conclude and review the main points of a lesson. Walk
           Slam Dunk Summary       K-12     away with practical ideas that are engaging for your
                Strategies         K-12       students and will not take you a lot of prep time!   E9   Cyndi Carter

                                           Plan interdisciplinary units using existing social studies
                                            curriculum and key components from Journeys ELA
            Social Studies and               curriculum. Bring these units to life with simulations
         Journeys- Fitting it all in.   4-6      that reinforce and review content covered.    E10      Betty Davis
                                               I look forward to sharing ways to engage your
                                           students in academic talk. They must be able to stand
                                           to speak and hold the floor. According to ASCD: “Talk
                                           becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas
                                            and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify
                                               their own understanding, and make their ideas
            Student Talk: The                   comprehensible to their partners. It is during
         Importance of academic             collaborative tasks that students must use academic
              conversations        TK-6        language if they are to focus on the content.”   E4      Dori Dennis
                                            EVERFI provides supplemental resources that cover
                                             topics such as SEL, Health & Wellness, Financial
                                              Capability and STEM Career Exploration. These
                                            engaging, self-directed programs are rich in content
           Supplemental online             and align with state and national standards. Programs
           resources for Middle              covered will be FutureSmart, Healthier Me, Ignition,        Nicholas
           School: Grades 7-8       7-8          Venture, Endeavor, Character Playbook.         M6        Martin

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