Page 13 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 13
Teaching a combo class this year and don't know
where to start? This session will give you ideas for
classroom management, building independence with Christine
Double Trouble: Recipe your students, organizational ideas, and more for your Neal, Babette
for Success to Teach a combo class. You'll walk away with practical ideas to Nixon, Julie
Combo Class K-6 help you set up your class for success. S1 Perrotti
History Labs use overarching questions to get
students to apply literacy skills to analyze and interpret
sources to supply and defend an evidence based
History Labs in 7-12 answer to the overarching question. We will look at
grade Social Studies current UMBC History Labs as well as their template
Classrooms 7-12 to create our own History Labs. SS9 Mishell Wolff
Housing System 101 is about our experience in
starting a school wide housing system based off the
Ron Clark Academy house system. We will talk about
how we: decided how many houses to have, our Cyndi
house names and shields, what to do in house Reichert,
meetings, planning our reveal day, how it has affected Alyssa Allard,
Housing System 101 TK-8 our school and us personally as teachers and more! SS10 Audra Palacio
Have questions about your students taking home their
devices and the changes that 1:1 means for our
classrooms? Have questions about setting up your
classroom and some of the tools and resources that
are at your fingertips? This session will share best
practices, how to’s and resources about digital
SPED citizenship will taking time to collaborate with
K-12 colleagues about what 1:1 means for you and your
How to Survive 1:1 K-12T students. S6 Teri Dix
These sessions are geared toward new teachers,
teachers who are not familiar or not very familiar with
Vocabulary Spelling City on Clever. In the sessions,
teachers will learn how to use "City" to add Journeys
Spelling & Vocabulary word lists, how to craft
definitions to meet the needs of current word lists. In
Integrating Journeys addition, teachers will learn how to organize and push
Spelling and Vocabulary games and activities to meet Common Core ELA
with Vocabulary Spelling Standards for Journeys selections. Teachers will learn
City 2-6 how to view online reports. E8 Martin Phillips
No Red Ink is an online program that allows teachers
to choose grammar and writing conventions by topic
and assign to a class. No Red Ink will not allow a
student to move on from a topic until they have
achieved a mastery level of understanding. Assign
No Red Ink for Easy, practice assignments, quizzes, diagnostic
Online Grammar and assessments and more. Teacher can easily view
Writing Convention real-time student progress and final grades and
Instruction and Practice 3-12 download to a spreadsheet. E3 Janee Waters