Page 4 - Workforce Turnover Report 2018
P. 4

The total workforce (headcount) changes during 2018

               679     677
       670    S = 282                 661            658

       660    W=397                          657             655    653     650
       650                                                                                 642    644
                                                                                                S = 266

        -  The total workforce was declined from 679 to 644 (Jan-Dec-2018) with difference 35

            from S/W, it reflected a 5.2 % decrease from 679 headcount in Jan-2018.

        -  The number of staff (S) was declined from 271 to 266 (Jan-Dec-2018) with difference 16

            employees it reflected a 5.9% decrease from 271 staff headcount in Jan-2018.

        -  The number of workers (W) as December 31, 2018 from 390 to 378 with difference 19

            workers, it reflected a 4.9 % decrease from 390 workers headcount in Jan-2018.

                                        The total workforce by level -2018

               Grade             MCM              L2              L3           L4               W

             Number                 9             10              69          178              378
            Percentage           1.4 %          1.6 %          10.7 %  27.6 %                58.9 %

        -  The total workforce by level shows that as we go from higher to lower grade the total

            workforce increase as the workers (W) grade was taken the highest percentage 58.9 %

            from total workforce then L4 with 27.6 % then L3 with10% and the lowest percentage in

            MCM & L2 with 1.4 &1.6 from total workforce.

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