Page 25 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 25

opinion of the Executive Committee, the associations objectives are no longer com-
patible with the objectives of the Texas Police Association or for failure to meet any
of the requirements of this article.

Section 5 Affiliated Member Association
The following associations are deemed to have fulfilled all of the requirements for
affiliation and are approved affiliated member associations: Association of Texas Law
Enforcement Educators, Texas College and University Police Association, and Texas
Association of Law Enforcement Polygraph Investigators. This section may be
amended from time to time to list those associations approved for affiliation; howev-
er, it is not necessary to be listed to be an affiliated association.



Section 1 Status and Object
The Local, Regional, and Specialized Law Enforcement Association Section is estab-
lished to provide for an organizational relationship with Law Enforcement
Associations with specialized areas or interest which are organized on a local and a
regional basis. Such associations shall be organized as integral parts of the Texas
Police Association; however, each shall retain its individual organizational structure.
The primary purpose for the Section is to provide an opportunity for those associations
to cooperate more fully with law enforcement officers and organizations on a
statewide basis in the conduct of business and educational programs while maintain-
ing local, regional, or specialized interest identity.

Section 2 Membership
Membership in this Section is open to special interest associations of law enforcement
officers in this state. All members of the Section must be members of the Texas Police
Association. Admission to the Section will be by action of the Executive Committee
on a request from the applicant association.

Section 3 Local or Regional Chapters
Local or regional chapters of the Texas Police Association may be chartered by the
Association. Such chapter shall be constructed, governed, and administered as estab-
lished by the Executive Committee of the Texas Police Association.

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