Page 23 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 23
Section 1 Annual Meeting
An Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held.
Determination of location will be made by the Executive Committee.
Dates for the meeting shall be determined by the committees coordinating the meeting with approval
of the Executive Committee.
Twenty-five (25) members shall constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting for the purpose of trans-
acting business.
Fifteen (15) voting Members shall constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting for
the purpose of transacting business.
Official business of the Association, except as delegated to the Executive Committee, shall be con-
ducted at the Annual Meeting.
The order of business at the Annual Meeting or other statewide meeting shall be as prescribed by the
President and Executive Director.
Section 2 Other Statewide Meetings
Other statewide meetings may be held as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 3 Other Meetings
Other meetings may be held as determined by the President.
Section 1 Audit and Budget Committee
The President, at the Annual Meeting at which he takes office, shall appoint an Audit and Budget
Committee composed of at least four Active members including the First Vice President and one Past
The Audit and Budget Committee will conduct a thorough audit of the Executive Director s fiscal
records yearly and make a report to the Executive Committee meeting held during the Annual
Meeting of the Association. at one of the three meetings held during the calendar year.
The Audit and Budget Committee shall, with the assistance of the Executive Director, prepare the
annual budget for the President to present to the Executive Committee.
Section 2 Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the President and all Past Presidents in attendance
at the annual meeting.
The immediate Past President shall serve as chairman. In the event the immediate Past President is
not in attendance at the annual meeting, the Committee shall select its own chairman. In the event,
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