Page 19 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 19
The President shall function as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, all as
is set forth in the Position Description for the President.
Section 2 Vice Presidents
The First Vice President, or in his absence or disability the Second Vice President, and in that numer-
ical order up to and including the Fifth Vice President, shall act as presiding officer of the Association
during the absence or disability of the President.
The Vice Presidents shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President or Executive
The First Vice President, or in his absence or disability the Second Vice President, and in
that numerical order up to and including the Fifth Vice President, shall act as presiding offi-
cer of the Association during the absence or disability of the President.
The Vice Presidents shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3 Executive Director
Job Summary - Directs activities and staff employed by the Texas Police Association. Negotiates for
office space and all services and equipment required to conduct Association business. Schedules
office staff, evaluates office staff, conducts quality control functions related to equipment, proce-
dures, and shall develop policies for same. Compiles data and submits regular and special reports on
Association operations and special activities to the President and Executive Committee.
Principle Duties and Responsibilities -
Handle all correspondence and communications addressed to Director or the Association.
Receive and safely keep all money, dues, or other funds from any source and shall issue receipts for
same. Keep a careful and accurate account of all money received and paid out and shall make a full
report to the Executive Committee at the Annual Meeting of all receipts and disbursements. Shall
keep records in anticipation of an audit at any time and shall promptly deliver all books, funds,
papers, and other property of the Association to his successor in office or to any other person the
Executive Committee may appoint to receive same.
Sign all checks and pay all debts and/or obligations of the Association.
Be under adequate bond as prescribed by the Executive Committee.
Serve as Editor of the Texas Police Journal, unless the Executive Committee names some other per-
son to serve as Editor, and in such event, he shall serve as Associate Editor. In either event, he shall
represent the Association in all matters relating to publication and shall approve all material pub-
lished in the Texas Police Journal.
Negotiate contracts as may be needed for the publication of the Texas Police Journal.
Employ and/or discharge employees when authorized by the Executive Committee. Shall develop
personnel policies to supervise and guide employees and all such policies shall be in writing and
approved by the Executive Committee.
Coordinate programs and training for the Association and shall be responsible for the physical and
March/April 2018 • 866-997-8282 15