Page 17 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 17

of dues may apply for membership as new members after the end of the period in
which they were delinquent.

Section 7 Duties of Members
It shall be the duty of each member to use every means in his power to accomplish the
Purpose of this Association.

It shall be the duty of each member to use his/her best efforts to promote the Association in
all matters relating to the law enforcement profession.

It shall be the duties of each member to make every effort to attend the annual training con-
ference hosted by the Association.



Section 1 Officers
The Officers of the Association shall consist of elective and appointed officers as
established in this Article. All Officers of the Association, except the Chaplain, must
be Active or Life Active Members. must be Members eligible to Vote as provided in
Article II above.

Section 2 Elected Officers
President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Fourth
Vice President, Fifth Vice President, and Sergeant at Arms. Shall hold their respective
offices for a period of one year, or until their successors shall be elected by written bal-
lot when more than one candidate for the same office is nominated, otherwise the elec-
tion may be by acclamation. Nominations may be made from the floor after the report
of the Nominating Committee.

The Elected Officers shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President,
Third Vice President, Fourth Vice President, Fifth Vice President, and Sergeant at
Arms. Each officer shall hold their respective offices for a period of one year, or
until their successors shall be elected by written ballot when more than one candi-
date for the same office is nominated, otherwise the election may be by acclamation.
Nominations may be made from the floor after the report of the Nominating

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