Page 12 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 12
State of Texas
Office of the Governor
April 16, 2018
Texas is home to people who are dedicated to a life of service and stand in the face
of danger to protect those in need. Peace officers, firefighters, and emergency
medical first responders deserve our gratitude for continuing to defend the values,
traditions, and people of our great state.
In 2003 the State of Texas established the Star of Texas Award to honor the service
and sacrifice of first responders. This award honors men and women who sustain
serious bodily injury or are killed in the line of duty while protecting our state.
The Governor s Star of Texas Award Advisory Committees are currently accepting
nominations. Nominations can be submitted to The deadline for submission
is June 15, 2018.
To be eligible for the 2018 awards, the incident must have occurred between
September 1, 2003 and June 15, 2018. The nominee must not have previously
received a Star of Texas Award for the same incident. The awards will be presented
by the Governor or his designee on September 11, 2018.
We appreciate your participation in identifying eligible nominees and encourage each
of you to share this information with other professionals in your field.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding nominations or eligibility
requirements, please contact our office at (512)-463-4482 or
Reilly Webb
Executive Director
Criminal Justice Division
Office of the Governor
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