Page 16 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 16
The Texas Police Association will, through its insuring agency, make a lump sum pay-
ment to the widow or other beneficiary of an Active or Life Active Member when the
member dies as result of an accident. The Executive Committee is authorized and
directed to negotiate and enter into a contract to provide for such benefits and to estab-
lish the amount of such payment and the conditions under which it will be paid.
Section 1 Eligibility of Membership:
The Executive Committee shall establish and promulgate the requirements for
membership in the Association creating a preferential Membership for certificated
police officers with distinctions for Past Presidents of the Association, spouses of
deceased Active Members and specially defined Memberships for businesses and
individuals who support the Purpose of the Association. The Executive Committee
shall also establish a Membership class for Police Agencies.
Section 2 Voting Privileges
Only those persons certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement as a
Peace Officer as defined by the Texas Occupation Code, Chapter 1701, titled Law
enforcement Officers, AND, all past Presidents of the Association shall have voting
Section 3 Application for Membership
Every person desirous of becoming a member of the Association shall file his appli-
cation with the Executive Director. Upon the receipt of the application and
the required fee, the Executive Director will, if the application meets the require-
ments for membership, issue membership credentials.
Section 4 Membership Dues
Membership Dues shall be as established from time-to-time by the Executive
Committee. Dues for classes of membership that are limited to credentialed police
officers shall be effective only after 3 months notice in the Texas Police Journal.
Section 5 Membership Removal
Any member whose dues are in arrears for two months shall be notified in writing by the
Executive Director after which, if he/she fails to remit his/her dues within 30 days, the
Executive Director shall drop said member from the membership roles and submit a report
of such action to the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
When a member has been convicted of a criminal offense resulting in the revocation of
license(s) issued by the State or when a member has been publicly charged and proved
guilty of dishonesty or other form of corruption or malfeasance or has been discharged from
his position for like reason, he shall be removed from membership by action of the
Executive Committee upon presentation of such facts.
Section 6 Reinstatement
A member who becomes delinquent may be reinstated upon payment of full annual
dues for the year in which he became delinquent. Persons dropped for non-payment
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