Page 15 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 15
Section 3 Voting Privileges
Only Active and Life Active members shall have voting privileges.
Section 4 Application for Membership
Every person desirous of becoming a member of this Association shall file his appli-
cation with the Executive Director. Upon the receipt of the application and the
required fee, the Executive Director will, if the application meets the requirements for
membership, issue membership credentials.
Section 5 Membership Dues
Dues shall be for a 12 month period dating from the date of approval of membership. Renewals will
extend on a 12 month basis from the date of original membership.
Life Active Members, Honorary Life Members, and spouses of deceased Active Members who are
Affiliate Members shall not be required to pay membership dues.
Dues for Associate and Sustaining Members may be established by the Executive Committee with-
out notice. Dues for all other classes of membership shall be established by the Executive Committee
after a minimum of three months notice in the Texas Police Journal.
Section 6 Membership Removal
Any member whose dues are in arrears for two months shall be notified in writing by the Executive
Director after which, if he fails to remit his dues within 30 days, the Executive Director shall drop
said member from the membership roles and submit a report of such action to the next meeting of
the Executive Committee.
When a member has been convicted of a criminal offense resulting in the revocation of license(s)
issued by the State or when a member has been publicly charged and proved guilty of dishonesty or
other form of corruption or malfeasance or has been discharged from his position for like reason, he
shall be removed from membership by action of the Executive Committee upon presentation of such
Section 7 Reinstatement
A member who becomes delinquent may be reinstated upon payment of full annual
dues for the year in which he became delinquent. Persons dropped for non-payment
of dues may apply for membership as new members after the end of the period in
which they were delinquent.
Section 8 Duties of Members
It shall be the duty of each member to use every means in his power to accomplish the objectives of
this Association.
It shall be the duty of each member to use his best effort in the up-building of police services.
It shall be the duty of each member of the Association to respond promptly to the call of any other
member for official aid or assistance.
Section 9 Death Benefit
March/April 2018 • 866-997-8282 11