Page 14 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 14
Section 1 Classes of Membership
Active Member
Life Active Member
Associate Member
Honorary Life Member
Affiliate Member
Sustaining Member
Section 2 Eligibility for Membership
Active Member: Any person in public or private service in this state whose duties, directly or in an
enforcement, regulatory, or support position, relate to law enforcement. *Any Active Member who
is assigned to a duty station outside of the State of Texas by his employer may retain Active mem-
bership. All honorably retired Active Members may retain Active membership.
Life Active Member:
All Past-Presidents of the Association. In addition, each year, one Active member who has rendered
great service to the Association may be selected by the Executive Committee.
Associate Member: Any law abiding company, agency, or individual who desires to assist the
Association in its effort to improve the police profession.
Honorary Life Member: Non-members who have rendered great and meritorious service to law
enforcement in general. Such Honorary Life member shall be elected by voting members in atten-
dance at the Annual Association Meeting upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
Affiliate Member:
1. Individual - Spouses of deceased Active and Life Active members of the
Association and persons not eligible for membership as Active members but
whose activities are closely related to the objectives of the Association.
Agency Educational - Enforcement Agencies may elect to enroll their person-
nel as Educational Affiliate members by following the procedures established
by the Executive Director. Such members shall be entitled to a subscription to
the Texas Police Journal, including the Legal Digest and such other educa-
tional materials which may be provided from time to time. Such members shall
be offered the opportunity to upgrade their status to Active member by payment
of an amount determined by the Executive Committee necessary to cover cost
of insurance.
3. Student - Those persons enrolled in college and university law enforcement
programs are eligible for Student Affiliate membership by following the pro-
cedures established by the office of the Executive Director.
Sustaining Member: Individuals, businesses, or corporations who make major financial contribu-
tions to the Texas Police Association.
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