Page 24 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 24

that less than three committee members are in attendance at the Annual Meeting, the President shall
make appointments from the Active membership in attendance so as to form a committee of three
It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee at the business session of the Annual Meeting to
nominate at least one candidate for each office required to be filled by election.

Section 3 Other Committees
Other committees and their responsibilities, as determined by the President or
Executive Committee, may be established.


Section 1 Objectives
Associations with objectives which are compatible with the objectives of the Texas
Police Association.

Section 2 Purpose
The primary purpose of affiliation is to provide the opportunity for joint cooperation
and professional assistance to each member association. It is intended and encouraged
that Texas Police Association conferences be planned to include meetings and training
for affiliated associations. The Texas Police Journal will be the official publication
and list each affiliated association.

Section 3 Membership Requirements
Any association desiring to affiliate with the Texas Police Association shall notify the
Executive Director in writing of such intent. Members of affiliated associations must
become members of the Texas Police Association. However, Texas Police Association
members are not required to become members of the affiliate associations. The
Executive Committee shall approve or disapprove applications for membership. The
affiliate associations will hold meetings and/or conduct training in conjunction with
the Texas Police Association Annual Conference. In addition, prior to each Annual
Conference of the Texas Police Association, the affiliated associations will provide the
Texas Police Association with the following:
The affiliate associations most recent membership list.
The most recent audit report of the affiliate associations audit committee.
Copies of all minutes of the affiliate associations business meetings held during the year since the
last Texas Police Association Annual Conference.

Section 4 Removal of Affiliated Member Associations
Any affiliate association may request to withdraw affiliation at any time.
Any affiliated association may be removed as an affiliated association whenever in the

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