Page 16 - Triple Foaming Sticks
P. 16
Assuming the Sticks and Control Panel have been installed, also the utility lines, water feed,
and electrical have been hooked-up properly, you are ready to set the adjustments on the
The following guide lines will help you with initial adjustments to the Control Panel for proper
• Make sure that the electrical and water is turned off.
• Set the water gate valves so they are approximately 3/4 of a turn open.
• Make sure that the air regulators are turned off at this time, this is done by turning them counter clockwise
until the stop turning.
• Prime the pumps by opening the bleed off valve located on top of the outlet of the pump.
• Turn the pumps on and turn the adjustments all the way up.
• Once the chemical is flowing out of the bleed off tube, turn the valves off; let the chemical fill the outlet
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