Page 2 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
P. 2


                       from the                                                   Editor’s NotE: Representing the chapter
                        chapter                                                   as spotlight is senior classman and cur-
                      president                                                   rent social chair, Griffin Schwab. From
                                                                                  the hometown of Millburn, New Jersey,
                                                                                  Griffin is pursuing his degree in English
                       Greetings, brothers!                                       with a concentration in creative writing.
                          I hope this letter                                      In preparation for graduation, Griffin
                       finds you well and                                         has interned with Atlantic Records (artist
       serves to update you on the chapter and                                    development department), APA (book-
       its recent accomplishments and hap-                                        ing intern), and with MAC Presents.
       penings. Following the suspension and                                      On campus, he is part of the Vanderbilt
       membership review last semester, our                                       recording studio and has served on their
       chapter leadership has been focused on                                     executive board as event planner and
       rebuilding and restructuring much of                                       executive producer. In his free time, he
       the chapter so that Tennessee Delta can   CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT:               enjoys drumming, singing, beat-making,
       rebound from this rough patch stronger   griffin schwab                    surfing, and basketball.
       than ever.
          While on suspension last semester,
       the chapter still made the 80% thresh-  What have you enjoyed most as a
       old for GME, the Office of Greek Life   chapter member?
       measurement of campus involvement.       I really enjoyed being the chapter’s
       This was an accomplishment that few   social chair, where I could work cre-
       chapters on campus achieved and zero   atively to put on fantastic events. One
       suspended chapters did. Already, we   of our parties, Cabo, actually broke the
       have led IFC following the first check-  record for the highest-attended Vander-
       point. On top of campus involvement,   bilt party on record, with around 1000
       we are first overall in IFC GPA, some-  attendees. I like this position not only
       thing I will touch on in “The Whitty   because it’s fun to DJ and set up fun
       Corner,” on page three. We planned    events, but also because—given my ca-
       on using these two accomplishments    reer path—it helps a lot in interviews. In
       to help generate momentum moving      fact, one of the reasons why I currently
       into recruitment, for both sophomore/  have a position at Warner Music is
       transfer bid day on September 30th,   directly because of my impressive ability
       and freshman rush—which, at the time   to create fun events at Phi Psi (according
       of writing this, is well underway. While   to the people that hired me).
       we only have 38 active brothers right
       now, recruitment has been going well,   What type of challenges do you face
       largely due to our increased presence on   as social chair?
       campus across all fields: RA’s, VUcep-   Two main things: First, it can be dif-
       tors (freshman orienteers), Theta Tau   ficult to get brothers to help me with the
       (engineering fraternity), AKPsi (busi-  set up for events. It’s not like working at
       ness fraternity), theatre groups, club   AEG Live, where there are people who   When did you discover a passion for
       sports, honor council, and more. This   are paid specifically to do setup. Brothers   music development?
       Chapter President (continued on page 4)  frequently have a lot on their plate, both   I’ve always wanted to work closely
                                                  academically and otherwise, so it can   with artists in some capacity, and I’ve
                                                  be difficult to convince someone to   always been keenly interested in the
                                                  take a break from their already busy   relationship between the artist and the
                                                  schedules to do physical labor. The   music itself. I really set myself on the
                                                  other challenge comes mainly from   path toward this role when I started
                                                  Vanderbilt administration. While a   working at a local recording studio
                                                  lot of rules they put in place are done   when I was in high school, shadowing
                                                  with a genuine interest for student   sessions and learning how to run the
                                                  safety, there are still many rules that   boards and produce. I did this mostly as
                                                  don’t necessarily make sense, or are   a hobby until this past summer where
                                                  ineffective. I frequently need to work   I got an internship offer with Atlantic
                                                  around these rules in order to make   Records in New York. There, I worked
                                                  events happen, which can be both   in the artist development team, work-
         Brothers at a bone marrow cheek swab donation. The   time consuming and frustrating.  ing with such artists as Cardi B, Bruno
         group, Gift of Life, was doing swabs across Greek row.
            We had the highest turnout of any fraternity.                         Chapter Spotlight (continued on page 4)
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