Page 6 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
P. 6


                                                                                  house corporation

                                                                                  (continued from page 1)
                                                                                  ber events. Only residents of legal drink-
                                                                                  ing age may have alcohol in their rooms,
                                                                                  and hard liquor is strictly prohibited
                                                                                  anywhere within the chapter house.
                                                                                     We have exciting plans in the works
                                                                                  for improvements to the house. Vander-
                                                                                  bilt replaced the roof over the sum-
                                                                                  mer, which was long overdue. We have
                                                                                  formed a buildings and grounds com-
                                                                                  mittee that will manage several short
                               The 2018 men of Tennessee Delta.                   and long-term projects. Improvements
                                                                                  being explored include the removal of
                      the composite project                                       the fireplace and chimney in the den, as
                                                                                  well as replacing the den and chapter
         As part of the project to decorate the   So far, we have composites from    room flooring. We also plan to update
       house, a collection of chapter composite       the following years:        the outside in conjunction with the West
         photos is being assembled. This will   1970, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1980, 2013  End Neighborhood project, which will
       provide a historical statement about the                                   include replacement of the wood deck
        long history of Tennessee Delta, as well         LOANING?                 and new landscaping. Further down the
         as provide a visual impact about the   If you loan your composite to us,    road, we want to upgrade the residen-
        broad span of brothers over the years.    we will super-scan it, have it   tial area HVAC systems, rooms, and
       If you have a composite that you would    reprinted, framed, and hung—     bathrooms so that they are on par with
       be willing to loan or give to us, it would    then return it to you.       the new dormitories that Vanderbilt is
          be most welcome and appreciated!                                        building along West End.
                                                        DONATING?                    We have engaged with Elevate, our
       To loan or donate, contact Byron Cain ’70    Donate your composite to us and    communication outreach firm, to replace
           at:         we will frame and hang it.     our chapter website so that we have one
                                                                                  site that will serve the undergraduates,
                                                                                  potential new members, and alumni out-
                   WE NEED YOU!                                                   reach efforts. We are excited about these
                                                                                  new plans and hope to get the site rolled
                                                                                  out in 2019. We also wish to rev-up our
                                                                                  annual fund campaign in order to defray
            become a tennessee                                                    the cost of these efforts.
                                                                                     I am appreciative of the exceptional
                 delta mentor                                                     work by the board of directors and
                                                                                  alumni volunteers that helped guide us
        Do you have the inclination and time to be a men-                         through the process of selling the house
        tor, coach, guide, and “Merlin” to a young man in                         and making negotiations of the chapter
        the chapter? We are looking for alums who’d like to                       lease. I thank them for their many hours
        guide our undergraduates in career research or life skills.               and their support.
                                                                                     I hope you will find the content of
        What’s the commitment? That’s up to the student and alum involved. It can be   this newsletter to be interesting and
        as little as one phone call, meeting, or an ongoing supportive relationship. You   informative, and look forward to a very
        don’t have to live in Nashville, or where the student lives, because it can hap-  exciting Founders Day 2019.
        pen through old-fashioned telephone calls or meetings. We are especially looking
        for alums that work in the engineering/wealth management/law/general business   Sincerely,
        management fields.

        This can be a way to have a positive, specific impact on the lives of our younger
        brothers! Eight of our students have been matched up so far, and the volunteer   Rob Ayerst
        alums are already making a difference in the lives of these individuals. To share   President
        your expertise and life experience in a valuable, meaningful, one-on-one format,   Tennessee Delta House Corporation
        contact Byron Cain ’70 at

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