Page 7 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
P. 7


                                             suspension periods), the ebb and flow
                                             with the TN Delta-Vanderbilt relation-  have alumni
                                             ship, and finally the sale of the prop-         news?
                                             erty to launch an experience unique in
                                             American Greek life—all because I chose
                                             to participate.                          We want to hear from you!
                                                As an additional note, Mark
                                             Browning ’70 and I, along with our         Send your personal updates,
                                             wives, attended Homecoming in 2003       accomplishments, adventures, and
                                             (30 years) and enjoyed reconnecting    photos to our Account Manager, Kasey
                                             with Nashville-area brothers from other   Breedlove, at,
                                             classes. The following year, we decided   or fill out the back of the enclosed gift slip
                                             to carpool and attend so we could visit   and return it in the mail. We want to share
                                             with the pledge class we helped bring   it in the next issue of The Delta Shield!
                                             along and had a great time. We hatched
                                             the idea of creating our own “reunion”
                                             in Atlanta, but making it annual and not  Chapter Eternal
                                             waiting for every fifth year, and 2018
                                             has now marked the 14th consecutive
                                             year for our Memorial Day in Atlanta.     We are saddened to learn of the
                                             This has been very rewarding, and we     passing of the following Tennessee
         John’s grandsons Max, Evan, and Ian taking a
             spin with little Mia at the wheel.   picked up relationships right where we   Delta brothers. Deepest sympathies
                                             left off as undergraduates.                  to their friends and family.

       alumni spotlight                      How did your transition and experi-          Elden R. Sternberg ’51
       (continued from page 1)               ence with Dredge Insurance enhance
                                             your business skills?                           Joe E. Dixon ’47
       Psi’s in the new Tower 4.                This was about working with
                                             people and relationships, albeit based
       What brought you back as a volun-     on business. Working in a small busi-
       teer today?                           ness (a family business) allows you to
          I moved to Atlanta from west       wear many hats— intended or not. The      leave a legacy
       central Illinois—an eight-hour drive   mechanics, accounting, record keeping,
       to Nashville, and difficult to fit into a   payroll, payables, receivables, and col-  Consider a lasting gift that will support
       weekend—and was now much closer.      lections harden you to the realities of life   the Tennessee Delta House Corporation
       An early assignment brought me to     and business; these are the skills needed    long after you are gone.
       Nashville for many weeks at a time and   to be successful in small companies, or
       I started to look up old friends living   in portions of very large enterprises. In   By including the Tennessee Delta House
       in town for dinner. My own family is   addition, experiencing sales, winning   Corporation in your estate plans, you
       now grown and is out of the house, and   and losing, claims, giving your word and   ensure the long-term health and success
       I have always been a believer in volun-  expecting it to be believed, all requires    of our fraternity.
       teering if you are able. So, some of these   the responsibility.
       old friends – Phi Psi’s – were on the                                         Here’s what you and/or your adviser
       House Corporation Board and looking   What methods do you prefer to use             might need to know:
       for “fresh blood.” I agreed to serve.  in consulting?                        The most common ways to include the
                                                I often describe this as the “Co-  Tennessee Delta House Corporation are
          Why do you feel it’s important to   lumbo” process, where you may have an   through your will or life insurance.
       remain active as an alumnus?          opinion, but instead of asserting it, take
          I knew being a member of a fra-    a passive approach to validation; ask           sample language:
       ternity was only as rewarding as I was   questions and listen to the answers to   “I leave the sum of ($xxxxxx.xx or xx%
       willing to invest. The pulls of life after   understand if your opinion is grounded;   of my estate) to Tennessee Delta House
       college and focusing on family, added   now is the right time to assert. Often   Corporation., tax ID #461169464  c/o the
       to the distance, kept me away for many   surprises occur, but with time, initial im-  National Fraternity of Phi Kappa Psi, 5395
       years. Since I have been “re-active,”   pressions increase in accuracy. My style   Emerson Way, Indianapolis, IN 46226,
       I have been able to watch/participate   is to deal in facts and “lay the cards on   for their general purposes.”
       in the launch of the capital drive and   the table” as full disclosure. More than
       renovation of the physical property,   once, after a presentation or summariza-  **This information is not presented as legal or
                                                                                      tax advice. Always consult your advisers for
       the behavior of the contemporary VU   tion, the other party comments this was       questions you may have.**
       student (with attendant probation and
                                             Alumni Spotlight (continued on page 8)
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