Page 4 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
P. 4


        RECENT GRADUATE :       Brad Faskowitz ’17                                chapter president
                                                                                  (continued from page 2)
                                                                                  will benefit us in the coming year as we
                                                                                  build up the freshman and sophomore
                                                                                     This semester, we’ve been prioritiz-
                                                                                  ing the improvement of our compliance
                                                                                  with national standards by working
                                                                                  closely with our live-in consultant, Ian
                                                                                  Davis. We’ve set a series of goals and ac-
                                                                                  tion items to assure we reach full accred-
                                                                                  itation with HQ standards by the end
                                                                                  of the semester, which will both increase
                                                                                  our status with National and grant us a
                                                                                  discount on our insurance. We’ve opted
                                                                                  into a pilot program for the 10-day new
                  Brad in Venice during a post-grad trip to Europe before starting his job.   member education period, which can be
                                                                                  read about on page three. After sending
        Editor’s NotE: We caught up with recent graduate Brad Faskowitz ’17 to see   representatives to both regional officer
        where the road has taken him since Vanderbilt. From the hometown of Orange   training and Grand Arch Council, the
        County, California, Brad earned his degree in computer science and cognitive   chapter was able to begin building a
        studies. As an active member, he served the chapter as chaplin and scholarship   closer relationship with HQ that we
        chair.  Today, he is working as a software developer at Microsoft.
                                                                                  hope to strengthen in the coming years.
           After graduating cum laude with a                                         As for day-to-day life in the chap-
        double major in computer science and                                      ter, things are looking up all across the
        cognitive studies and minor in engi-                                      board. I live in the house and have the
        neering management in 2017, I settled                                     good fortune to be around everyone as
        down as a software developer at Mi-                                       everything’s happening. From weekend
        crosoft in Seattle, Washington. I work                                    cookouts, to Monday Night Football, to
        on the Cloud platform / infrastructure                                    late nights studying in the Chuck Hig-
        team for Windows Defender, protecting                                     gins ’67 Chapter Room, this brother-
        Windows clients from malicious files.                                     hood is strong, loyal, and united in our
        On the side, I’ve developed a website                                     commitment to the improvement of not
        called SentiVest (,                                   only ourselves and our brothers, and our
        which scrapes news articles from vari-                                    chapter as a whole. We have tremendous
        ous sources, runs the text through a                                      forward momentum right now and I am
        sentiment-analysis algorithm, and uses                                    beyond excited to see where the future
        the results for investment decisions—so                                   takes us as individuals, and the broth-
        far, the algorithm has beaten S&P 500                                     erhood as a whole, as we continue to
        and the Nasdaq composites. Aside from                                     grow and better ourselves.
        developing software, I have taken up     Brad burns up the rowing regatta at
                                                      his neighborhood gym.
        indoor rowing. At an indoor rowing                                        LEDN,
        regatta at my neighborhood gym, I won  me much of the scaffolding I needed to
        first place in the 500m and 1000m rows  be my best self while at Vanderbilt and
        with times of 1:16 and 2:47, respec-  thereafter. I look forward reconnecting
        tively.                              with my fraternity friends in the future.   James Whitty
           Phi Psi Tennessee Delta provided                                       Chapter President

       chapter spotlight
                                             from Vanderbilt in May.              help them record vocals in various stu-
       (continued from page 2)                                                    dios. I also write music for myself, and
       Mars and Portugal the Man. It was a re-  Outside of school, what do you do   I’ve recently released an EP on Spotify—
       ally good experience and I look forward   for fun?                         search “Griffin Louis” and I’m the first
       to pursuing a future career in artist    I produce/write music, for one thing.   to show up. I also play a lot of basket-
       development (whether at Atlantic or an-  I make a lot of rap beats for different   ball and am an avid Yankees, Giants,
       other comparable label) after I graduate   artists in Nashville and New York, and   and Knicks fan.

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