Page 8 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
P. 8
alumni spotlight some reading this,
but I wouldn’t trade
(continued from page 7)
my experiences and
unique in the candor and transparency. I thoroughly enjoy
There is no failure in admitting you them.
don’t know everything—instead, admit When home, I
your limitation and vow to return with like to entertain and
the answer (this is also a good reason cook on the bar-
for a call back). And always make sure beque, play golf, and
you follow through as your promised. work on the house
and yard (once a
Which moments in your career are house manager...).
you most proud of? I purchased a
I never intended to become a star but small format Nikon
did intend to be comfortable with all of DSLR to accompany John’s view from a recent trip to Santiago, Chile.
my decisions. At each stage, I performed my travels and so far,
to the best of my ability. I work on be- have over 30,000
ing consistent and live by my word. My images in my library,
career has enabled me to provide for a which requires an
family that has since blossomed to two investment in NAS
additional generations, and my most storage and a sub-
recent stint in the software industry has scription to Photo-
allowed me to travel to many locations shop CC (something
around the world to experience both new to learn!). I built
business and relationships in many cul- my own computer
tures...this takes some adjusting. Some- and updated several
times being a “consultant” is viewed as times to provide the
a little slippery, but I have confidence power to edit video
that being true to myself and will aid in in HD format (some-
experiencing inside some of the largest thing very intensive).
companies and executives. Finally, my wife
and I have performed The 2015 Memorial Day Reunion group (L-R, back): Chuck Higgins, Don
Outside of work what do you do for extensive geneal- MacCormack, Norris Matthews, Doane Shipley, Mark Browning,
fun? ogy research on our John Dredge, Bob Arlen, and Bill Little.
I take enjoyment from travel as part families, learning so much along the this decision, especially with the chap-
of my work. I have been away from way about the lives of our ancestors, ter experiences over the past 15 years.
home for extended periods and my wife the world, and American history. This “Why waste your time?” They ask—but
and I understand this is what I have cho- is mostly making use of the research of it doesn’t have to be a waste. I see many
sen. At the same time, I have received others, as well as the incredible digitiza- opportunities to apply Ross Rainwater
a wonderful insight of various portions tion of records and archives... A goal of ’65’s term “teaching moments,” which
of the world to broaden my horizons, mine is to visit the Library of Congress occur following a mistake. If those of
including: Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and the National Archives in Washing- us who have learned to avoid mistakes
Chile, Peru, Australia, India, England, ton DC. (evidenced by accumulation of gray
Canada, and South Africa. All this hairs) can just get the younger group to
travel has allowed me to amass airline What advice can you give to your pay attention, we can save them some
points and miles (which my company fellow alumni and young actives “extreme learning.” I also have a belief
lets us keep these for personal use), about remaining involved as an that even if you aren’t the one able to
and this has afforded me the ability to alumnus? provide large sums of money as dona-
visit my son and family in Hong Kong I chose to re-engage after many years tions, other contribution forms are
twice, and the opportunity for my wife away because my experience can make a available, and I choose to volunteer for
and I to spend two weeks in London, difference (and because I get to associ- the House Corporation Board of Direc-
staying in incredible Marriott proper- ate with my friends from a good time tors, as well as try to attend Homecom-
ties. This might not seem like much to in my life). I am questioned often about ing and Founders Day in Nashville.
The Delta Shield is published by the Tennessee Delta Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi at Vanderbilt University for alumni and friends. This newsletter depends, in part,
on alumni participation. Please send your personal updates, accomplishments, adventures, and photos to our account manager, Kasey Breedlove, at kbreed- or mail them to Alumni Records Office, Phi Kappa Psi, Vanderbilt University, P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, GA 30366.
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