Page 3 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
P. 3
the whitty corner
A great time was had by all dur-
ing the pumpkin carving date with the
Alpha Chi Sorority. The “pumpkin
patch” grew up unexpectedly from
seeds from last year’s carving party!
We also took home the winning title of
champions for intramural indoor
soccer this semester.
I’m proud to report that Tennessee Laude, awarded only to chapters that
Delta now has the highest GPA of any possess a 3.3 GPA or higher. While
chapter on campus with a 3.62 GPA, the official statistics are unavailable,
as compared to the all-men’s average it seems like we may have the highest
of 3.38. This accomplishment follows GPA of any Phi Psi chapter, given that
the past two new member classes we’ve the other seven recipients of the Summa
Above: At least year’s pumpkin carving taken having the highest GPA of their Cum Laude Award appeared to hover
party, leftover seeds grew into more
pumpkins to carve again this year. year, indicating an upward trend in our closer to that 3.3 mark. Employees at
Below: The indoor soccer champions: chapter’s scholarship. Additionally, the HQ were surprised, unable to remem-
(Back, L-R) Charles Tusa, Matthew chapter won two awards at the Grand ber another chapter that improved
Neuendorf, John Kerr, Alex Silverman, Arch Council: the Woodrow Wilson their academics following a suspension.
Owen Brody; (Front, L-R) Eddie He, Nate Scholarship Award and Summa Cum
Wasserman, Jack Richardson.
10-DAY NEW MEMBER EDUCATION Below, (L-R): Chapter men Ezra Brody, Jake Hardy,
Evan Fleisig, Zachary Iseler, William Lankford,
Owen Brody, Matthew Flink.
At Grand Arch Council, the chap- opt into the pilot-program,
ter’s undergraduate delegates attended serving as an example for other
the New Member Education sessions chapters. After discussing this
where the proposed 10-day New with the executive board, we
Member Education policy was debat- collectively decided that this
ed. While the mandatory implementa- would be a great opportunity
tion of the policy was struck down, for the chapter—along with
staff members at headquarters looked our live-in PKP consultant Ian
for chapters that would be willing to Davis—to establish a well-
rounded and responsible
NME program, while also
showing the school our
willingness to adapt and
reform in order to improve
our chapter. Each of the 10
days will revolve around
one theme, with a paired
continuing education
programming for the entire
fraternity to compliment the
new member activity, fol-
lowing the 10-day period.