Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2010
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The IllInoIs sIg

                                          Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Fall 2010
                                     Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

                                       President’s Report
         In This Issue:
                                             by Eric W. Rahn ’75
      From the President ........1  he  undergraduate  chapter  is  off  to  a  fine  start
      News and Notes ............2  Tfor the 2010-2011 year.  The biggest challenges
                                facing  the  chapter  are  continuity  and  sustainability.
      Chapter News ................3  For  the  most  part,  undergrads  live  in  the  house
      Alumni News ................4  only their sophomore and junior years.  That means
      Chapter Eternal .............5  primary officers for the fall semester are elected in the
                                spring of their sophomore year when they have not
      Directors and Officers ...6  had a great deal of opportunity to serve in other offices
                                and gain wisdom and experience.  A primary goal of
                                the Kappa Kappa Corp Board is to provide guidance
                                to the undergrads to help them achieve success.  Board  members  Eric  Rahn  ’75  (left),  Wayne  Vonder  Heide  ’07
                                   As  a  board,  we  are  blessed  with  a  dedicated   (right), and undergrad Quaestor Kevin Pinkos ’12 (center).
                                group  of  alumni  serving  in  various  capacities.    I
                                am  especially  pleased  to  share  that  at  the  Special   also expect the pledge class GPA to exceed a 3.0 for
                                Meeting of Members of Kappa Kappa held Oct. 23   the second straight fall semester.  The fall 2009 class
                                at Homecoming, 16 directors were elected.  Of these,   achieved a 3.03 GPA – the first time in recent history
                                seven  graduated  in  2002  or  later.    Several  of  them   that a pledge class was at or above a 3.0 GPA.
                                have  served  on  the  board  for  the  past  four  or  five   As  I  write  this  report,  the  fall  pledge  class
                                years.  This dedicated group of younger alums is a   consists of 46 promising pledges.  This is the result
                                welcome addition.                            of  several  years  of  increased  focus  on  getting  the
                                   For the past two years, we have encouraged the   entire  undergraduate  chapter  fully  committed  to
                                undergrads to focus heavily on scholarship, rushing,   recruiting the best young men on campus.  Most of
                                and their pledge program.  In the spring of 2010, the   us feel strongly that a successful rush program is the
                                chapter excelled in scholarship with a 3.16 grade point   lifeblood  of  the  fraternity.   The  chapter  has  bought
                                average placing them 12th out of 47 fraternities.  They   into this philosophy.
                                have set a goal to break into the top 10 this fall.  We              see PRESIDENT, on page 6

                                        Class of 1979 and 1980 meet for Fun-Filled Reunion

                                            rothers David Fewkes ’79 and Gary Erb ’79 conceived the idea of a ’79 reunion at Garret
                                        BErb’s  ’13  pledge  class  initiation  in  February  2010.  Subsequent  to  an  organizing  lunch  at
                                        Maggiano’s in Schaumburg, and a growing barrage of emails, excitement rose and brothers were
                                        found. The date of Sept. 11th was agreed to by all, coinciding with the Kam’s employee reunion,
                                        organized by Brother Mike Kulp ’81. Thanks to the efforts of Brother David Ogdon ’80, the list of
                                        attending brothers included more than 80 percent of the ’79 and ’80 classes. Brothers in attendance
                                        included Harvey Seybold ’77, Mick Roth ’77, Jim Novaria ’78 and Bill Runzel ’78.  The event
                                        began with a tour of the new skybox facility at Memorial Stadium Friday afternoon. A special thanks
                                        goes to Jane Hayes Rader for making this happen.  Then the gathering continued at a local restaurant.
                                        About 30 brothers and spouses made it Friday night, traveling from Texas, California and Florida.
                                            Consul, Andrew Cochrane ’12, organized a practice, but moving, initiation ritual ceremony the
                                        morning of the reunion with the undergraduates at the Chapter Room of 410 E. John Street. Fourteen
                                        reunion attendees were happy and grateful to attend. This was certainly a highlight of the weekend,
                                        for many had not been back for many years. A special thanks to all in the house for getting up on a
                                        Saturday morning and doing this for us.
                                            We then joined forces with the Kam’s alums for an extended tailgate party just outside the
                                        stadium, wherein many wore game day hats, T-shirts and sweatshirts adorned with the “Sigma Chief”
                                        in the likeness of Brother John Wayne. The fighting Illini were hosting SIU and we were treated to
                                        a great aerial display as the Illini dominated the game. Following the game, the party continued at
                                        Kam’s. Aside from the inhabitants, the establishment has changed little in 35 years, under good care
                                        by many a Sigma Chi.
                                                                                            -Gary Erb ’79 and Gordy Cole ’79
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