Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2010
P. 6

KAPPA KAPPA CORP OF SiGMA CHi              PRESIDENT, continued from page 1
                 October 23, 2010                     The undergraduate officers
                                                  have  dedicated  themselves  to
     BOARD OF DiRECTORS:                          making Kappa Kappa Chapter
        Jack Davis ’54        2010–2012                                                   the  best  it  can  be.    They
        Eric Rahn ’75         2010–2012           accepted the challenges put to
        Steve Sarovich ’75      2010–2012         them by the alumni board and
        David Fewkes ’79              2010–2012   have set even loftier goals for
        Peter F. Steger ’79      2010–2012        themselves.  After a successful
        Rob A. Dauphinais ’98     2010–2012       2009-2010  year,  they  clearly
        Derek Ferguson ’02           2010–2012    have momentum in their favor.
        Michael Jacobsen ’07        2010–2012     Our challenge is to provide the
        James Hall ’76        2010–2011           support they deserve and need.
        Mark V. Anderson ’77     2010–2011
        Alex Padgett ’98      2010–2011               From  a  physical  plant
        Paul C. Bateman ’03      2010–2011        perspective, our beloved chapter house turned 100 years old last fall.  Over the summer,
        Matthew W. Miazga ’03    2010–2011        we performed a number of significant maintenance items.  We cleaned and repainted
        Ryan P. Griffin ’05      2010–2011        all the rooms  and replaced wood flooring on the first floor.  The improvements look
        Wayne Vonder Heide ’07   2010–2011        fabulous  and  have  generated  a
        Jason Detweiler ’08      2010–2011        number of comments from visiting
     OFFiCERS:                                    alums.
        President:            Eric Rahn ’75           At  Kappa  Kappa,  we  have  a
        Treasurer:            Matt Miazga ’03     rich  and  wonderful  tradition  of
        Secretary:            Alex Padgett ’98    success – both at the undergraduate
        Vice President:       Jack Davis ’54      level  and  with  our  alumni.    We
        Vice President:       Steve Sarovich ’74  have  been  blessed  with  dedicated
                                                  volunteers  and  generous  alums.
   EXECUTiVE COMMiTTEE                            I  am  confident  the  chapter  will
          Eric Rahn ’75                           honor this tradition with continued
          Jack Davis ’54                          dedication and success!
          Steve Sarovich ’75
          Matthew W. Miazga ’03
          Paul C. Bateman ’03                                         Ben C. Fisher Scholar
          Paul Bateman ’03 – Chairman                                     Matt Briskin ’09
          Mark Bateman ’05
          Jason Detweiler ’08
   FiNANCE                                                s we begin the new school year, I am
          Matthew W. Miazga ’03 – Chairman            Aconfident  that  the  goals  I  have  set
          Alex Padgett ’98                            as  Ben  C.  Fisher  Scholar  are  attainable
          Michael Jacobsen ’07                        and worthwhile.  The goals are primarily
          Eric Rahn ’75                               focused  on  scholarship  and  career-
   ALUMNi RELATiONS                                   oriented  objectives.    I  am  expanding
          Derek Ferguson ’02 – Chairman               the  academic  resources  available  to
          Wayne Vonder Heide ’07                      brothers through the restructuring of our
          James Hall ’76                              tutor  reimbursement  program  policies,
          Peter F. Steger ’79                         the  creation  of  a  scholarship  website
          Mark Anderson ’77                           and  online  calendar,  and  an  incentive-
   RiTUAL                                             based  scholarship  award  program.    Of  all  fraternities,  I  am  confident  that
          Alex Padgett ’98 – Chairman                 our cumulative GPA will be in the top-10 for the semester.  Additionally, I
          Derek Ferguson ’02                          am collaborating with our Magister and Scholarship chairmen to meet high
          Ryan Griffin ’05                            academic goals set for our 2014 pledge class.
          Jason Detweiler ’08                            Additionally, there are multiple career-oriented activities set for the 2010-
          David Fewkes ’79                            2011 school year.  To educate brothers on business attire that is essential for job
   SCHOLARSHiP & UNiVERSiTY RELATiONS                 interviews and professional settings, I collaborated with a local men’s clothing
          Rob Dauphinais ’98 – Chairman               retailer to conduct a seminar geared towards proper attire and etiquette.  To
          Matthew W. Miazga ’03                       further educate brothers on the professional environment, I have an etiquette
          David Fewkes ’79                            dinner planned for the spring semester.  Brothers will be instructed on dining
          Michael Jacobsen ’07                        etiquette that is essential in the business world.
   UNDERGRADUATE RECRUiTMENT                             Again,  I  am  confident  that  the  men  of  410  E.  John  Street  will  benefit
          Wayne Vonder Heide ’07 – Chairman
          Steve Sarovich ’75                          from  my  role  as  Ben  C.  Fisher  Scholar  this  year,  both  academically  and
          Mark Anderson ’77                           professionally.

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