Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2010
P. 5

Chapter eternal

             Remembering Mohan Brothers

         his year we learned of the passing of two Kappa Kappa brothers, John Jr.   James Lucado ’42         4/30/2010
     T’40 (1918 – January 3, 2010) and Richard Mohan ’44 (1922 – August 28,    Jack Clatfelter ’45         5/13/2010
     2010).  Both from Streator, IL, the Mohan brothers exemplified what it means
     to be a brother in all terms; from life, college, service and career.     Charles Hopp ’48          9/14/2010
                            John Jr. graduated from Streator High School in    Warren Ramshaw ’49    5/11/2010
                        1936 and proceeded to be a proud Illini receiving both   John Schumacher ’51    7/13/2010
                        his undergraduate and law degrees from the University
                        of Illinois.  A quote from 1936 SHS Hardscrabble reads:   Robert Reeve ’54          5/23/2010
                        “To sum it all up, he’s a scholar, an athlete, a musician,   Samuel Gore ’58            4/1/2010
                        and a favorite with all—truly the All American boy”.   Bob Goulding ‘65        10/27/2010
                            Richard  graduated  from  SHS  in  1940,  where  he
                        was  an  athlete  on  the  track,  football  and  basketball
                        teams.  A long-time lover of golf, he played in many
                        Streator tournaments and was a member of the “Hole
                        in One” Club.  Richard received his bachelor’s degree
                        in  accounting  from  the  University  of  Illinois.   After  ‘‘
                                                                         I  believe  in  fairness,  decency  and  good
                        serving in World War II, he attended the U of I Law
                        School  under  the  GI  Bill.    He  also  taught  freshmen   manners. I will endeavor to retain the spirit of
                        English at the U of I while attending law school.  youth. I will try to make my college, the Sigma
                            The brothers served their country proudly during
                        World  War  II.  Richard  crossed  Europe  as  part  of   Chi  Fraternity,  and  my  own  chapter  more
                        Patton’s Third Army, commanded an anti-tank platoon   honored  by  all  men  and  women  and  more
                        in the Battle of the Bulge, and was awarded the Bronze
     Star for valor. John Jr. served in the US Army’s “Judge Advocate Corps”.  beloved and honestly respected by our own
         Both  brothers  practiced  law.  John  Jr.  began  his  professional  career  in   brothers. I say these words in all sincerity;
     Chicago within the Harford Insurance Company’s legal department, whereas
     Richard  initially  worked  with  his  father,  JJ  Mohan,  in  his  real  estate  and   That  Sigma  Chi  has  given  me  favor  and
     insurance business.  Upon the death of JJ Mohan, Richard and John Jr. formed   distinction;  that  the  bond  of  our  fellowship
     a law partnership.  Richard also was a former LaSalle County Assistant State’s
     Attorney and Streator City Attorney and had been a Democratic Party candidate   is reciprocal, that I will endeavor to so build
     for both Congress and the Judiciary.                                myself and so conduct myself that I will ever
         Even  with  their  various  civic  duties  and  community  involvement,  both
     brothers  remember  their  time  as  members  of  Sigma  Chi  and  Kappa  Kappa   be a credit to our Fraternity.
     Chapter, as Life Loyal Sigma Chis.  Our thoughts go out to their family.
                                                                                    – George Ade 1887, Purdue University
          Remembering Emerit Linkbeck ’56

                                   wanted to pay tribute to a great Sigma Chi
                                i and tremendous athlete, Emerit Lindbeck      LEAVE A LEGACY!
                                ’56.  Em died on his 74th birthday, August 27,
                                2008.  In 1955, Em piloted the Fighting Illini   Consider a lasting gift that will support Sigma Chi
                                to one of the greatest football upsets in Illini   long after you are gone. By including the Kappa
                                history when the Illini (13 point underdogs)   Kappa Foundation in your estate plans you ensure
                                defeated  unbeaten  and  untied  Michigan,   the long-term health and success of our fraternity.
                                ranked as the nation’s number one collegiate
                                football team, 25 – 6.  Em completed 6 of   For  more  information  how  you  can  make  a
                                the  11  annual  Shriner’s  East-West  game  in   contribution to Kappa Kappa Foundation of Sigma
                                San  Francisco  and  won  honors  in  school   Chi, contact Steve Sarovich ’74, Director of the
                                years 1955 and 1956.  After graduation, he   Kappa Kappa Foundation at 630-824-4200.
                                was  offered  a  contract  to  play  professional
                                football for the Los Angeles Rams, but signed   ***This information is not presented as legal or tax
                                a  professional  baseball  contract  instead.    advice. Always consult your advisors for questions
                                Em played in several games for the Detroit   you may have.***
     Tigers, but ruptured a disc in his lower back which ended his baseball career.
     Em was a credit to our Kappa Kappa Chapter and the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

                                                  - Richard Griffiths ’57                                              5
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