Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2010
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Chapter News

                            Kappa Kappa Learns Leadership at Balfour

        he  Balfour  Leadership  Training  Workshop  provides  a  unique   The men of Kappa Kappa also participated in the SigFest 2010
     Topportunity for the men of Sigma Chi to develop their skills in  basketball  tournament  where  they  beat  Wabash  College,  Pittsburgh,
     leadership and organization. Held at the University of North Carolina  and  Butler.  Unfortunately,  they  lost  21-19  against  Case  Western
     at Chapel Hill, the theme for this year was “Guard Well” with more  Reserve  University  in  the  semi-finals.  In  the  end,  all  of  those  who
     than 2,000 undergraduate Sigs in attendance. From Kappa Kappa we  participated in Balfour walked away with the proficiency necessary to
     had Consul Andrew Cochrane ’12, Pro Consul Ryan Johnson ’12,  run the house with the utmost integrity. Consul Andrew Cochrane ’12
     Ritual Chair George Udumula ’12, Magister Lawrence E. Newquist  and Pro Consul Ryan Johnson ’12 gained new leadership qualities
     ’12, Recruitment Chair Rob Christenson ’13, and Timothy Veldman  necessary to safeguard the chapter this fall. Recruitment Chair Rob
     ’13.  Timothy  also  attended  the  Horizons  program,  being  the  first  Christenson ’13 brought in a strong pledge class this fall that has the
     Kappa Kappa to do so since 2004. The Balfour Workshop aided them  potential to do great things this for the chapter in the future.  Magister
     in honing their skills of strategic thinking, leadership, teamwork, and  Lawrence  E.  Newquist  ’12  has  the  responsibility  of  more  than  46
     communication. While at the workshop, they witnessed a flawless and  pledges  this  semester,  and  he  hopes  to  use  the  skills  he  learned  at
     emotional performance of the Investiture with an audience of 2,000.  Balfour to initiate one of the largest classes this fraternity has seen in
     Those present viewed it as a memorable experience that allowed them  years.  The experience of Balfour will resonate as they continue their
     to gain new appreciation of the ritual.                   academic career and eventually shift into a business environment.

      2010 Chapter Officers                                 Happenings at Kappa Kappa
     and Committee Chairs                        he Kappa Kappa Chapter saw another prosperous start to the school year in 2010. Coming

                                             Toff a strong spring semester and with the executive members of the house possessing
                                             adept  leadership  qualities  from  their  experience  at  Balfour,  we  came  to  school  with  high
     Counsul.........................Andrew Cochrane ’12  expectations. So far, we’ve lived up to these expectations with a notable I-Week, a lucrative
     Pro Counsul...................Ryan Johnson ’12  Derby Days, and a successful Homecoming.
     Quaester ........................Kevin Pinkos ’12  Our  Investiture  took  place  on  Sept.  25th  and  we’re  glad  to  welcome  brothers  Basil
     House Manager..............Anthony Munari ’12  Sabbak,  Francisco  “Rudy” Trevino,  Traeger  Penicook,  and  Brandon  Johnson  as  part
                                             of the 2013.50 pledge class as well as Ryan Jang, Anthony Anderson, and Jacob Forby
     Annotator.......................Kevin Hoff ’12  from the 2012 pledge class. The chapter recognizes Ritual Chairs George Udumula ’12 and
     Ritual.............................Kris Drake ’11  Kristofer Drake ’11.50 for their hard work and dedication throughout I-Week. They acted
                                            George Udumula ’12  proficiently throughout the process and served as strong mentors to the next class of Ritual
                                             Chairs. The week made the bonds between us even stronger and forged a truly memorable and
     Rush...............................Todd Bendell ’12  life-changing experience.
                                            Rob Christenson ’13  The chapter donated more than $12,000 to the Children’s Miracle Network as a result of
                                            Jimmy Martin ’13  our Derby Day’s philanthropy event in early October. We had impressive attendance of more
                                             than 700 girls from 16 sororities participate in tug-of-war, an obstacle course, a volleyball
                                            Cam Nekoroski ’13  tournament, and a hot dog-eating contest. The week ended with our annual Derby Darling
                                            Chris Prchal ’13  Dinner where Kappa Alpha Theta was announced as the winner of the week’s competition.
     Scholarship....................George Udumula ’12  The chapter recognizes Derby Days Chairs Will Arquilla ’13, Robert Gehm ’12, Kevin
                                             Pinkos ’12, and Steve Richards ’13 for organizing and executing the event.
                                            Chris Adams ’13  The Illini kicked off Homecoming with a 43-13 win over Indiana and following the game
     Risk Manager.................Greg Lamorena ’12  alumni from many pledge classes came through the house. Eric Rahn ’75 discussed how
     Social.............................Todd Bendell ’12  the alumni corporation is in good standing with the chapter and Pro Consul Ryan Johnson
                                             ’12 gave a short presentation on the accomplishments and goals of the chapter this semester.
                                            Taylor Robinson ’12  Alumni had the opportunity to see how their beloved chapter has only improved since their
     Magister.........................Larry Newquist ’12  time there and hear that we are always working to make it better.
     Historian........................Tommy Munger ’13                                   -Thomas Phelps ’12, Tribune         3
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