Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2010
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Alumni news

     Merrill E. Prichard ’48 Retired.  Still working on a History of the
     Sigma Chi Foundation (1939 - 1987).  May become a lifetime’s work!
     In  touch  with  Peter  Steger  ’79  and  Don  Johnson  ’49  with  some
     regularity.  The last of my six grandchildren will be a sophomore at
     Northwestern this fall.  A grandson is in his first year at Indiana and
     another in law school.

     David A. Brierley ’49 It hardly seems like 60 years ago that Dean
     Schroeder ’49 and I left “410” for Oklahoma in the quest for oil as
     young  budding  geologists,  but  here  we  are  still  active.    Horizontal
     Drilling and 3-D Seismic now adds a new dimension that keeps the
     quest exciting.  In hoc, Dave Brierley

     Dickinson G. Wiltz ’51 In April 2010, we moved to Atlantic Beach,
     FL.  to  a  Continuing  Care  Retirement  Center  (CCRC).    We  have  a
     cottage, a golf cart and a lot of new friends.
                                                               Association.    We  still  find  life  in  the  Boston  area  to  be  lively  and
     James C. Schmidt ’52 The Spring 2010 publication’s Chapter Eternal
     section  told  us  that  we  have  lost  “Gimp”  Prichard  a  1953  Sig.    I   Jack W. Ullemeyer ’59 Still looking “down” at the grass---and not
     remember Gimp very well as he and I were ping-pong doubles partners   “up” at its roots!
     competing in the inter-fraternity tournament where we went all the way
     to the semi-finals before losing.  He was a great guy.  I was an under-  John  F.  Rooney  ’61  My  son,  Dan,  Significant  Sig  KU  ’95,  and  I
     graduate transfer from Illinois Wesleyan (Alpha Iota) and started law   opened the Patriot Golf Club in May.  Located in Tulsa, OK, designed
     school in 1950 and was honored to become a Kappa Kappa affiliated   by  Robert Trent  Jones  II,  it  is  also  the  home  of  the  Fold  of  Honor
     member,  eat  at  the  Chapter  House,  and  soon  invited  to  live  in  the   Foundation.  See for details. Still Summering in
     House.  The 1952 gang were the ones I tied in with.  Besides ping-  Grand Haven, MI, where we own the Grand Haven Golf Club.  Come
     pong, I also played on our 1952 fraternity basketball championship   visit and play some good golf!
     team and became a long time best friends with many Chapter members,
     particularly 1952 gang members Joe Cole, Jim “Mac” McKinzie and   Robert  P.  Cornelisen  ’61  Just  returned  from  two  months  in  New
     Herb Neathery.  The 4 of us, Howie Robinson ’52 and our wives,   Zealand visiting son and family.  Fly fishing brothers come on up to
     went on a cruise together in 2007.  Unfortunately, we have now lost   Pentwater for some serious fishing.
     both Joe and Herb.  We miss Gimp, Joe and Herb. During my career
     I had the honor to serve as Governor Ronald Reagan’s appointee to  David E. Ogdon ’80 GO BLACKHAWKS!  OK 80’s.  I just received
     3 positions in California State Government.   My wife, Jerrie, Kappa  the annual letter from Kappa Kappa (Eric Rahn ’75) asking for your
     Alpha Theta ’55 U of I, and I enjoy coming back to Champaign about  2010 ‘gift’.  I’m the only ’80 who gave last year.  Pick, Gawner and
     every 3 years to attend Sig events during the football season.  We look  Dan Moehle ’80 are the only three I’ve ever seen on the list.  Send
     forward to coming back again soon.  PS. I was honored to receive the  50 or 100 bucks.  It would be cool to see a bunch of 80’s up there.
     Significant Sig Award in 1981 at an event in Champaign.   The classes of 1957 and 1949 have the most with 9 and 8 respectively.
                                                               Pretty good considering most of the ’49 class is probably in the chapter
     Thomas N. Harvey ’55 Marion and I are still happy to be the directors  eternal.  The most of our era are the ’81’s with 4.  (Dave Blanke ’81
     of the Independent Living program at the Chestnut Hill Benevolent  gives over $400 every years....and then swims the English Channel!).

                                                               Scott D. Altman ’81 Left Astronaut office after 15 years and moved
                                                               to industry.  Now working in DC area for ARTS, an engineering firm.
                                                               Youngest son now in college at University of San Diego so we are on
                                                               our own.  Moved to a house in Georgetown.

                                                               Derek  J.  Ferguson  ’02  Enrolled  at  the  Kellogg  School  of
                                                               Management at Northwestern University.  Pursuing MBA with majors
                                                               in  Entrepreneurship  and  Innovation,  Management  &  Strategy  and
                                                               Finance.  Graduation expected June 2011.

                                                               John H. Canning ’04 Graduated UIC College of Dentistry in 2010.
                                                               Currently practicing as a general dentist in Orland Park, IL.

                                                               Richard M. Hackmann ’08 Just took over as chair for 2010 - 2011 of
                                                               the Palo Alto Young Professionals.
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