Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2010
P. 4

News aNd Notes

                                                 From the Consul

          y  term  as  consul  for  the  fall  2010  semester  started  off  on  a  Philanthropy”, we built upon the success of the previous year and took
     Mgreat note. As part of a deep-rooted Sigma Chi legacy, I am the  Derby Days to a new level. With more participation than ever, we were
     second member of my family to serve as consul of the Kappa Kappa  able to gross more than $12,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network
     Chapter  at  410  East  John.  My  grandfather,  Richard  G.  Cline  ’57,  - the largest donation I have seen during my time at the University of
     did an exceptional job mentoring me in the skills it takes to lead this  Illinois.
     prestigious chapter.                                          I look forward to an outstanding remainder of the year as we begin
        We started the year with a phenomenal rush, recruiting 46 new  to guide and build these new pledges into Sigma Chis.  As I’m sure all
     members to pledge Sigma Chi. These young men truly exemplified  of you know, the bond we share as Sigma Chis is invaluable. I hope
     the qualities outlined in The Jordan Standard and they leave me with  to instill this bond and the values carried with it in all of these new
     a great deal of confidence in the future success of the Kappa Kappa  members’ minds. Brothers, the Kappa Kappa Chapter has reached a
     Chapter of Sigma Chi. We were ecstatic to acquire Brad Cole for our  period of eminence, and with the high ambitions of the current members
     fall pledge class. Brad is a 10-time Sigma Chi legacy with a rich family  our chapter can only grow stronger.
     history in the Kappa Kappa Chapter.
        We  held  Sigma  Chi’s  national  philanthropy,  Derby  Days,  the   In Hoc,
     week of Sept. 4th. After winning the Greek Oscar last year for “Best  Andrew Cochrane ’12

                 Richard J. Bruggen Chapter Excellence Award Announced

                       for Kappa Kappa Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity

                                                       By Jack Davis ’54
        Richard  J.  Bruggen  ’51  was  a  classic  Sigma  Chi  during  his  fraternity,  in  university  activities,  or  in  public  involvement,  bring
     time  as  an  undergraduate  member  of  the  Kappa  Kappa  Chapter  of  honor to Kappa Kappa and to the Sigma Chi Fraternity as was the
     Sigma Chi Fraternity.  He was one of those rare individuals who was  purpose of Richard J. Bruggen.  Brother Bruggen excelled in his efforts
     always willing to be a member of a committee, or willing to assist  and  actions  which  in  turn  benefited  the  chapter  and  the  fraternity.
     whenever the need arose.  Brother Bruggen was especially talented  Undergraduate brothers recommended for this award should possess
     in recruiting and helping train pledges. Many times when the pledge  these same characteristics, be in good standing with the Kappa Kappa
     class was “getting out of line”, he would say “Let’s have a meeting.”  Chapter, the Sigma Chi Fraternity and the university.
     In the meeting he would say, “There is a right way and wrong way to   It was Brother Richard J. Bruggen who coined the phrase “Chapter
     do everything.”  Brother Bruggen would then explain the “right way”  Excellence”  and  it  is  because  of  his  unrelenting  service  to  Kappa
     and end by saying, “You are the future of Kappa Kappa and we expect  Kappa that this award is created in his name.
     you to be able to take on that responsibility in the manner of those who   The Richard J. Bruggen Chapter Excellence Award was proposed
     have come before you.”  His advice always “stuck.”        and endowed by Bob Stone ’51.  The award was announced to the
        The purpose of the Richard J. Bruggen Chapter Excellence Award  Kappa Kappa Chapter during the Kappa Kappa House Corporation
     is  to  acknowledge  and  reward  those  undergraduate  brothers  whose  meeting held Sept. 18, 2010.
     extraordinary  actions  and  efforts,  either  within  the  chapter  and  the

                                   Academic Results from Spring 2010

         ast spring proved to be a strong academic semester for the chapter with a majority of the members maintaining a high level of academic
     Laccomplishment. Our goal as always is to increase our standard for every member and have the entire chapter receive recognition for their
     achievement. The Kappa Kappa Chapter would like to recognize the following students who attained a GPA above 3.25 with 37 earning above
     a 3.50:
           Peter M. Bolton ’10        Stan H. Borysek ’10.50         Brian P. Mallen ’12          Garret W. Erb ’13
           Patrick J. Gale ’10        Jacob C. Metzger ’10.50      Matthew J. Murphy ’12       Ryan Dong Hoon Jang ’13
          Joseph J. Holloran ’10      Jerry V. Vassalla ’10.50     Matthew P. Murray ’12        Thomas H. Munger ’13
         Nicholas J. Lagattuta ’10      Paul A. Aquino ’11          Kevin M. Pinkos ’12        Cameron R. Nekoroski ’13
           Colin G. Porter ’10           Fadi Bakhos ’11          Vincent A. Tortorici ’12.50     John F. Olivieri ’13
          Jamison H. Ruben ’10        Michael J. Hagstrom ’11       John C. Wonais ’12.50       Stephen M. Richards ’13
         Matthew G. Malone ’10          Dewey J. Joern ’11        Christopher W. Adams ’13       Bradley D. Stock ’13
          Thomas G. Moore ’10           Erik T. Tatje ’11.50       William C. Arquilla ’13     Timothy W. Veldman ’13
          Matthew J. Parenti ’10       Todd M. Bendell ’12           Kyle M. Blouin ’13         Matthew J. Weglarz ’13
          Louis G. Salvino ’10        Alex B. Brohammer ’12        Jonathan A. Coraglio ’13    Traeger J. Penicook ’13.50
           Scott R. Shapiro ’10        John A. Cochrane ’12         Scott M. Cruwys ’13
           Jesse L. Stumpf ’10          Kevin A. Hoff ’12          Mark P. Daugherty ’13
   4     Peter M. Terracciano ’10     Gregory J. Lamorena ’12      Michael W. Enders ’13       CONGRATULATiONS!
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