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P. 11

So far, 2,300 of the suppli-
                                           Walmart .can’t .solve .it .         ers have made commitments
                                                                               toward addressing emissions in
                                           alone, .and .even .our .            their supplies.
                                           suppliers .individually .           Walmart monitors its suppliers
                                           can’t .solve .it .alone, .but .     on an annual basis.
                                           collectively .what .we .            “We definitely find that when

                                           would .like .to .do .is .… .        you have a specific goal, you
                                            .address .the .current .           begin to measure, and it’s time-
                                           issues .and .fight .climate .       bound. (That is a) very effective
                                           change .together .                  strategy to be able to use to
                                                                               work on those things together,”
                                        —Mikel Hancock, .Walmart               said Mikel Hancock, Walmart’s
                                                                               senior director for strategic
                                                                               initiatives, sustainability.

             Meanwhile, the Walmart Foundation is funding                      Walmart has no intention at
             research and training programs that amount to    this point of requiring that its suppliers meet
             what one scientist calls Walmart’s own “exten-   standards for greenhouse gas emissions.
             sion program” aimed at providing farmers and     “Walmart can’t solve it alone, and even our
             agribusiness companies in the United States as   suppliers individually can’t solve it alone, but
             well as emerging markets with the know-how to    collectively what we would like to do is problem
             reduce their environmental footprint.            solve, brainstorm on how we actually … address
                                                              the current issues and fight climate change
             Walmart also is a leading supporter of The       together,” said Hancock.
             Sustainabilty Consortium, founded by the Uni-
             versity of Arkansas (located in Fayetteville, just   “I don’t necessarily know that, you know, a
             down the road from Walmart’s Bentonville, Ark.,   mandate is going to drive the additional progress
             headquarters) and Arizona State University.      that we’re looking for.”

             The Walton Family Foundation, which is con-      Among suppliers that Walmart has highlighted
             trolled by the heirs of  Walmart founder Sam     in its reports are PepsiCo and Kellogg’s. PepsiCo
             Walton, is assisting Cargill in funding the proj-  has committed to cutting the greenhouse gas
             ect that is paying Lillibridge for his soil-con-  emissions in its supply chain 20% by 2030. As
             serving practices.                               of 2019, those emissions had been cut by 5%,
                                                              up from 3%. Kellogg’s has committed to be
             Walmart officials say they’re doing what their   supporting 500,000 farmers by 2025 on “climate
             customers want and that the agricultural prac-   smart” agricultural practices.
             tices needed to address climate change will also
             lead to critical environmental benefits, including   Hancock touts projects Walmart has been
             improving water quality and wildlife diversity.  involved with to reduce the environmental foot-
                                                              print from corn and other row crops, knowing
             Walmart’s ability to meet its 2030 and 2040      that doing so is vital to reducing the climate
             goals rests on its ability to get its suppliers and   impact of  animal agriculture as well. Roughly
             ultimately farmers and ranchers to reduce emis-  two-thirds of  the greenhouse gas emissions
             sions with no promise of compensation.           associated with non-ruminant animals, hogs,

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