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them a marketing edge with meat companies        leading scientists argue that its global warming
             and grocers.                                     potential isn’t as great as currently calculated
             With assistance from scientists at the University   because it has a short half-life of  10 or 12
             of Arkansas, the National Pork Board is testing   years, said Thoma.
             a carbon footprint calculator that a producer    As a result, scientists including Myles Allen of
             can use to estimate the greenhouse emissions,    the University of  Oxford argue for calculating
             including the transportation of the feed to the   the climate impact of  cattle according to their
             farm, and the emissions of methane from the      “global warming potential” rather than carbon
             hogs’ manure.                                    emissions. “Any farmer who has had a constant
                                                              herd for 20 years or more would see a much
             But there is a big piece of missing information:
             The board is still waiting for the grain industry   lower value assigned to the impact of  their
             to agree on how to measure the carbon emis-      herd, which is consistent with its actual impact
             sions from producing the corn, soybeans and      on global temperature,” he said in an email
             other commodities that make up the feed.         to Agri-Pulse.
             When the calculator is finished, a producer will   Farmers could face regional disparities
             also know how to adjust his or her operation
             in order to meet the expectations of processors   A big question for agriculture is who will ben-
             or retailers, some of whom have committed to     efit from the measurements of  carbon impacts,
             making major reductions in their supply chain’s   assuming there is agreement on how to do
             greenhouse gas emissions.                        it. The Biden administration and Congress
                                                              will have to struggle with how to address these
             A key issue for the cattle sector is how to      disparities if they decide to use USDA to reward
             count methane emissions from manure and          farmers for carbon offsets.
             belching cattle.
                                                              Another long-standing issue is whether to
             As a greenhouse gas, methane is four times       credit farmers who have already following
             more potent than carbon dioxide, but some        practices that maximize soil carbon and reduce

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