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Removal Marketplace appeared, offering indi-     European Green Deal, the European Union’s
             viduals and businesses the choice to go online   plan to cut Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions
             and use their credit cards to pay farmers for    and address other environmental challenges.
             storing soil carbon. On the farmers’ side of the   By the end of  the enrollment period in
             bargain, Nori invites farmers to use a computer   October, farmers had enrolled over 200,000
             app, COMET-Planner, to estimate of how much      corn and soybean acres.
             soil carbon they can sequester, pay an expert to
             verify, and then sell it via Nori.               There are regional efforts, too. The Flor-
                                                              ida Climate Smart Agriculture group is
             Germany-based Bayer is getting in on the         partnering with the University of  Florida
             act with a new Carbon Initiative that aimed      Institute of  Food and Agricultural Sciences to
             to enroll 1,200 farmers in the United States     develop the framework of  payments for eco-
             and Brazil during the current marketing          system services along with a tool to measure
             year. Bayer will pay farmers for the value       the services provided.
             of  “carbon removal” practices. In Brazil, a
             government-run agricultural research agency      California, which is the nation’s pioneer in
             will be enlisted to develop sampling tools to    using carbon markets to try to reduce emis-
             measure the practices’ impact. Bayer thinks      sions, created a cap and trade system that
             the program may help meet the goals of  the      requires power plants, refiners, manufacturers

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