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In terms of what parts of the
                                         The .largest .soil .organic .           country have the potential
                                         carbon .increases .occur .in .          for the most improvement,

                                         wetter .climates, .with .cover .        a paper released this year
                                         crops .and .no-till .adoption .         authored by Mark Sperow at
                                         providing .the .largest .               West Virginia University found
                                         increases .                             it was the wetter regions in the
                                                                                 middle of the country.
                                                      —Mark Sperow, .            “The largest soil organic car-
                                             West .Virginia .University          bon increases occur in wetter

                                                                                 climates, with cover crops and
               nitrogen losses.                                                  no-till adoption providing the

               Farmers with better soils or who have been        largest increases,” Sperow’s paper concludes.
               employing better management practices over        Johnson of The Nature Conservancy said the next
               many years may be disadvantaged because the       couple of years are going to be confusing for farm-
               improvements they can make at this point won’t    ers because of the emerging market offerings.
               have much impact on their existing carbon
               footprint.                                        “There are new companies and new programs
                                                                 emerging all the time,” he says. “And farmers
               “The answer to the question of whether or not     can sign up to get paid for activities that store
               farmers in different regions will fare better is
               yes, basically, in every circumstance, because    carbon.” But those different programs will come
               some regions are just better and some soils are   with “different levels of rigor and quality, and
               better at sequestering soil carbon, some systems   we’ll just have to kind of wait and see” how the
               are better at that,” said Reed of the Ecosystem   emerging market shakes out.
               Services Market Consortium.                       Johnson emphasizes that as the market

               “The more degraded your soils when you start,     adjusts, “we have to make sure good, scientific
               the bigger the opportunity, right, to improve soil   approaches are used so that carbon claims from
               carbon and remove other greenhouse gases,”        agriculture can be trusted and can help bring
               Reed says. “The healthier your soils, the smaller   more funding to farmers to incentivize cli-
               the potential.”                                   mate-smart practices.”

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