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and other polluters to reduce their carbon        Biden urged to move quickly on
               emissions or buy permits. Revenue from the        carbon bank
               permits has helped fund the widespread instal-
               lation of  dairy digesters, equipment on dairy    A group of  former Obama administration
               farms that captures the methane gas emitted by  officials that have recommended a series of
               manure to generate power.                         ways for the new Biden administration to
                                                                 immediately act on climate change argue
               A nationwide cap and trade program hasn’t
               been on the legislative horizon since the idea    that the carbon bank could be operated using
               died in Congress in 2010, but Biden and private   the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corp. That’s
               market developers are counting on there being a   the $30 billion revolving fund that President
               robust demand for carbon offsets from a host of   Donald Trump used to make trade assistance
               corporations, including energy companies, air-    payments to farmers to offset the impact of
               lines and even major food companies, that need    his tariff war with China. The CCC is primar-
               to offset their emissions. Many have set emis-    ily used to make commodity program pay-
               sion targets to meet or exceed the Paris climate   ments to farmers and to fund marketing loans
               agreement’s goals for limiting global warming.    for producers’ crops.

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